NOTE: The only way to access the Slick Chat is to use the WEB-BASED Bowie Chat. Any chat software you normally use (such as mIRC or Microsoft Chat) will NOT be able to access tonight’s chat. There is a special window for this chat, so go here and then at the top of the BowieChat section, you will see the words: ‘Just click here to chat with Earl Slick!’… Then click on that link to begin! The link will not be active until chat time.
Wednesday, July 19th at 11:00pm
Wednesday, July 19th at 11:00pm
Right after Holly and Slick ROCK Brownies, “The Earl” will drop by for the chat at 11:00 pm EST!! Check out both if it’s physically possible!
And since we love this picture so much, here it is again:
Slick with his Diamond Dogs
(Magilla & Sexy Sadie)
(Magilla & Sexy Sadie)
Click HERE to go to the BowieNet Chat area!
Also, go to!