Bowienet Show Journal Part One

All the nice girls like this Sailor

Some of the more analytical among you may be wondering why I decided to post these entries so far after the events they chronicle. There is logic to this tactic, honestly. Right now you are all suffering from the nasty end-of-tour comedown that affects everyone, from you the fans, to the band members, and even after all these years, I dare to venture that David feels a little sadness too.

OK – So imagine if I had posted these journals as they happened. They would have been lost in the glut of reports that were being posted everywhere, and more importantly, you would have no fresh reminders acting as a pick-me-up to take the nasty edge from the withdrawal you are suffering now…How many of you are OK with this lame excuse I wonder?

Whatever, If you weren’t there, then go here, If you were, then go here instead. But please be certain to click the right button.

Total Blam Blam (Our European Correspondent back home)

No Delay For Seven Release

The release of ‘Seven’ here in the UK remains July the 17th. So this time next week many of you will have the three CDs in your grubby little mitts. For those of you that can not easily make it to a chart return shop here in the UK, don’t fret just yet, as we will be giving away a few sets in the very near future. In the meantime we would like to whet your appetites with a look at the postcards and the poster that come with two of the CDs.

Total Blam Blam – European Correspondent

Emm News

The wonderful Emm Gryner has a couple of news bits to report to you-all! Check out Emm’s Solo Gigs and her solo recordings too, not to mention her official websites and

Any Bowie fans in Ottawa, Canada should come to FreshFest 2000 where Emm will be playing with her band this coming weekend on Sunday, July 16. Go to the official website of the festival!

New Emm songs are up at! These include the tracks “Yellow” and “Lonely Boy” and will be available on Emm’s new record of B-sides and early demos called “Dead Relatives” due out in August.

Gay Life & Style

The Gay Life & Style is a Entertainment led event. Among the designers featured is ‘Clare Fazal‘ with her label ‘Persons Unknown‘. Clare designed the outfit that David wore when he gigged with Placebo some while back. Clare is a favourite of David’s and this is a good event to catch her stuff in action.

Gay Life & Style
14th -15th -16 July 2000
National Hall, Olympia

Bowie looking dazzling in
one of Clare’s outfits!

Clare backstage at her last show

Camoflage 2000 Meditation or Medication Street Gangster

THE Designers featuring on catwalk at the Gay Life & Style 2000 are as follows:

Alexander Mc Queen
Vivienne Westwood
Katherine Hamnet
Nichole Farhi
Bella Freud
Duffer of St George
Patrick Cox
Mark Powell
21st Century Kilt
Agent Provocateur
Persons Unknown

Information on Tickets for the show
Ticket Hotline No. 0870 6060204
Pre-Booking offer £10 Frid-Sat & Sun

Plus Booking Office Fee of £1.00
Access Visa Switch Amex
£15 per Person per day on the Door

Opening Times 1pm-10pm each day
Catwalk show 1.30-4.00-6.30 showing on Frid-Sat & Sun

Go to for more info…

Drop The Debt!!!

There has been such a huge response from people all across the world to the Drop The Debt and Jubilee 2000 campaigns that their servers have far exceeded capacity!!! If the form on the Drop The Debt page does not work, please go HERE instead!!! Again, the sites ask for no contribution other than signing an electronic-petition, which entails putting your email address in the lil’ box and clicking ‘submit’, so why not help out the cause!!

Go to the New ‘Drop The Debt’ Link

thanks jane

Glasto Uprush Live has joined the club, reviewing DB’s Glastonbury set! Of course, like everyone else, they couldn’t say enough about DB and his classic performance!

The chamaeleon of pop showed all its faces tonight. From Ashes to Ashes to Under Pressure, the Dame shook her stuff – looking like he’d stepped off the cover of The Man Who Sold The World and had a sex change to become Farrah Fawcett.

Early fears that the recent back catalogue would take precedence were unfounded – David Bowie played every song anyone would want to hear – and just a little bit more.

Defying laringytis was no object to DB, who not only sounded note-perfect on every song, but managed to shake his Bromley batty like a bad girl should. What more can we say. The Dame, we salute you.

Check out the review at

thanks spacey!

No Bowie At The Edinburgh Festival

The cherubic Steve K has highlighted rumours circulating about a David Bowie appearance at this year’s Edinburgh Festival here in the UK. There is no substance to this story whatsoever, and we have it from the horse’s mouth that no such appearance is planned. So please feel free to spread this denial far and wide, before any punters actually cough up their hard-earned for a David Bowie non-appearance. That baby is bright for his age, has the mental age of a two-year-old at least!Total Blam Blam – European Correspondent

Drop The Debt!!!

Drop The Debt and Jubilee 2000 make up a web-based campaign designed to put pressure on the wealthiest countries in the world to drop the debts owed to them by some of the poorest countries in the world. The sites ask for no contribution other than signing an electronic-petition, which entails putting your email address in the lil’ box and clicking ‘submit’!

Governments agreed to drop $100 billion debt this year; so far none has been dropped. Jubilee 2000 is intensifying its efforts this month, with a campaign urging you to email the g7 group of governments, and with a variety of other national initiatives, aimed at getting these governments to keep their promise. You can find them all if you go to

Also, go here for a bit of news (involving Bowie) about the Email Campaign.

The first Glastonbury Festival of the new millennium saw international stars joining millions of Jubilee 2000 supporters around the world in launching an innovative email action urging Blair, Clinton and other world leaders to ‘drop the debt’ now.

Also, go here for a bit more (also involving Bowie) about the artists who support Jubilee 2000.

Go to

Go to

many thanks go out to jane

Oh No, More Blammo Journal!

Another journal entry! Short and sweet today (sort of), but with some lovely pictures from the BowieNet picnic in Central Park at which Mask finds more art cows and baby Steve K is spoiled with BowieNet love. Interested? Then go here.

Total Blam Blam (Our European Correspondent back home)