What song would you rank as the best ever?
Canoe.ca surveyed the opinions of 20 proven songwriters to come up with a list of the Top 10 songs of all time, and the end result was TWO lists, one for the songwriters’ opinions of the Top 10 songs, and the other is a list of the Top 10 Selling songs. Since the concept of the ”best song’ is so subjective, they’ve decided to turn the question over to the public! Now, you can submit your 3 favorite songs of all time, and explain to them why! See this bit from the website, which includes the information where you can send YOUR choice for the 3 Top Tunes!
“The two charts on this page both purport to list the Top 10 songs of all time. However, since different criteria were used for each chart, they are completely different. So here’s your shot. Tell us your top three songs ever and why. Call us at 667-4578 or e-mail us at topsong@lfpress.com“
Go to the full article at Canoe.ca
thanks spacey!