In honor of baby Alexandria Zahra Jones entering the world, some BowieNet fans areworking to make a mass donation to Save the Children as asort of “baby gift” from the fans.
If you woud like to contribute, they are suggesting a $5 contribution, but $1 or $ 2 is fine – or if you can do more, that’s great too!Whatever you can contribute is wonderful. US checks made out to Save theChildren (or if need be you can send cash)can be sent to:
David Emerson
791 Granite St.
Braintree MA 02184 USA
And Celine in the UK is accepting pounds and french francs. It is best forpeople to email her for her address
For those that are unable to send in either US dollars or pounds or francs, theycan of course contribute directly at
Donations are being accepted until September 12, so that the collectivedonations can be sent in for the baby’s 1 month birthday on Sept. 15. At thatpoint, a card with the names of all the contributors will also be put togetherand the organizers will try and get it off to David and Iman. (Incidentally,”Sailor” when hearing about this on the BowieNet message board replied “This isso very cool. Thank you very much indeed. Sailor and Mummy and Alex”).
So here’s a chance to share in the joy of this wonderul occasion, and help somechildren who are truly in need.Check David Emerson’s site for more details and updates at
Thanks, DEmerson!!!