
After the ‘Nomad Soul’ rave in The Times yesterday, it seems Bowie hasbeen validated yet again. This time in The Sunday Times no less. When in1994 Bowie wrote a short weird story for Q magazine around the idea ofthe paganism of art (which was to become 1995’s Outside album) it wasuniversally derided for being pretentious and at least an outlandishproposition. Now we see the future. Reading this story one would believethat what Bowie proposed is just that little bit nearer to reality.

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Gq Uk Bowie Collector's Cover

The Man Who Styled The World…

As you know from the piece that appeared in the news yesterday, us sniffy Brits (I’ve got your number son, recognise that style anywhere!) have voted David Bowie Most Stylish Man of the Year. In celebration of these annual awards, GQ magazine have produced four different covers, one of which our man Bowie glares most stylishly from. The three other ‘Men’ that each adorn a cover are Richard Ashcroft, Johnny Vaughan and, erm…, Liz Hurly!

A four page piece inside the magazine puts David forward as the ‘New Sinatra’, a comparison that our favourite crooner is not wholly uncomfortable with: “I do relate to Sinatra in that my tours are getting fewer and fewer. I don’t tour just for the sake of touring any more. If you see me live these days you know I want to be doing it.” Not many reading this could disagree with the latter part of this statement, isn’t it obvious he is having a ball?

Elsewhere in the interview David gives a forthright assessment of awards in general: “The question I always ask is: would I have been given this award if I didn’t do the interview and photo session?…I’m not one for awards at all. Most of the music awards are on the basis of, if you turn up, you’ll get it. And I say, fine, I don’t want it. If you want me to have it, give it to me and I might surprise you and turn up. Otherwise, f*** off! But if your readers have chosen me…then I feel privileged, it’s pretty marvellous.” Here! Here!

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)

I-iman : New Diary Entry

In her new diary entry for August 2000, Iman talks about the birth of Alexandria. “WHAT A JOY!!” she says. She asks for some time before they post photos, but adds “boy, did David take the most exquisite photos of her”…..awwr. Go to!

Thanks Spaceface!

He's In The Best Selling Show

This month’s Q Magazine has a feature on the best ‘Best Of…’ albums of all time. They say :-

‘The truly great, ‘greatest hits’ acts as a souvenir, CV, and ‘good record’. Hard to do, but these twelve make it look easy.

David Bowie : The Singles Collection is chosen as one of the top twelve.

‘The best thing about any Bowie compilation, no matter where you stick the pin in his career, is the sheer variety of stuff on offer.’

‘Best Moment : The bit where he lets rip in Heroes, thus triggering producer Tony Visconti’s staggered three microphone set up.’

Look out for next month’s Q Magazine, which will be on sale from Oct 1st. There is likely to be a two page spread review of the Bowie At The Beeb album ,and also a compilation CD attached to the front of the magazine, Chill Out, which features ‘quite the most pleasant 70 odd minutes of aural soothitude you’ve ever experienced’. There will be a db track included. Watch this space……..

Thanks Spaceface!

Covers Coverage

Irish R&B artist Samantha Mumba’s new single “Body 2 Body” will be released in the UK on Oct 9th. The song includes a blatant sample of David’s Number 1 hit “Ashes To Ashes” (in fact, it’s more of a cover version). The video was rumoured to be directed by db but these rumors have proven untrue. In other Bowie/Sampling news, Glamma Kid’s album “Kidology” was released on Monday, September 4th. The album includes a ragga version Fashion! Oh! Thanks Aleczandah!

Always Crashing (out) In The Same Car

Ever wondered just exactly what a UK festival is like? Or, do you know only too well…… Whichever, you will enjoy reading this tongue in cheek account of one Bowie fan’s very personal experience of the recent Leeds Carling three day festival. The performers include Beck, Primal Scream, Foo Fighters, Stereophonics, JJ72, Grandaddy and Placebo. If you are ready for a laugh, go here for spud’s weekend at Leeds. Thanks Spud!

Gq Magazine Award

Give credit where credit is due! David Bowie was given the most stylish man of the year award at GQ Magazine’s Men Of The Year Awards last night at London’s Royal Opera House in Covent Garden.

David beat off competition from Bond star Pierce Brosnan and the Oscar nominated Jude Law. Stylin!

Bowie At The Beeb Sampler – The Winners

Another incredibly popular competition. We asked you for the extra line that David sung on the first public performance that he gave of ‘Kooks’ (included on this very competition prize!) 99% of you got the answer right with these words: “And we’ll watch the crazy people race around.” The first ten correct answers arrived via the e-mail addresses listed below. If the owners of those addresses would like to contact me with the address that they use in that other world we all have to inhabit from time to time…you know, the address you use on Earth…I will forward the prizes pronto.

PS – I have noticed that there are some names that are becoming regular in the winners’ list. Do you have any feelings about this kidz? Should there be a limit set on amount of competitions won by any one person? Please let me know… – Well done to the winners…and commiserations to Dawn Kinder for having to live with Paul!

PPS – Thanx for all the lovely Birthday e-mails and postings on the message boards. I’ll deal with YOU later Mr Rex Ray!

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)

Too Little Too Late

Almost a year after its release, the British press have finally decided that Nomad Soul is a ‘brilliant’ game. As with many things Bowie associated, acknowledgment or praise is often a long time coming. Although a Top Five game in much of Europe, the Brits received Nomad Soul in their usual sniffy manner. Now however Monday’s The Times Interface section no less, re-address the situation and give it all they’ve got. I wonder if they’d like to re-listen to a copy of Buddha of Suburbia?

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Brian Eno Produces U2 Album; Single Released

U2 have been hard at work in the recording studio for the past year preparing for the October release of their new album All That You Can’t Leave Behind. Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois have produced the album, helping sculpt U2’s sound to a purportedly more stripped-down rock feel. Brian, who appears on some 14 of Bowie’s albums, has worked with U2 since their third album, The Unforgettable Fire. Preview the album’s first single, Beautiful Day by clicking the link below from Interscope Records.

Click to preview Beautiful Day