Halloween Chat Transcript

Last night’s Witching Hour chat on BowieNet was a blast! After a one hour warm up on Yahoo, David changed virtual worlds and was in rare form in the BowieNet chat area! What was scheduled for an hour chat carried on for a raving two hours, with David talking about everything from the upcoming album to his glass eye collection to coal skuttles!

For one fan, three hours of chat just wasn’t enough! He inquired if David would be logging into the regular chat room post-chat, to which David replied:

“But of course! I shall be taking the 1-3am shift in the chat room. I shall then grab an hour’s sleep and will then rush over to Excite where I shall force them to have a chat with me! Which should take me through when Alexandria wakes up! God, I live for this!! Showbiz Rules!!!”

Click on the image above or right here to view a complete transcript of last night’s looney chat!

Thank you, Sailor!

'afraid' Crummie From Toy!

In case you missed this most excellent crummie, here it is again (just click on the image above for a high speed connection), or click here for slower connections (56k or under).

The track is called “Afraid,” and it’s one of the tweleve selections from the upcoming Toy. When asked about his favorite track during the chat last night, David replied,

“At this early stage, all 12. I really, really like all twelve.”

Based on what he’s heard, this humble narrator agrees wholeheartedly! (Look out, Billboard!)


Muse In The Form Of Diamond Dogs

Bel Air Entertainment has made a writer out of video store clerk Jay Friedman with its preemptive purchase of the heist script ‘Diamond Dogs.’

The first spec sale for Friedman, ‘Diamond Dogs’ had not been on the market for 24 hours before Steven Reuther’s Warner Brothers based shingle snatched up the action-adventure thriller set in the world of diamond thieves. Friedman’s script was inspired by the David Bowie song of the same name.

To read the whole story, click here or on the Yahoo! logo above.

Thanks, Pozie!

In The Spirit Of Pumpkins….

Don’t miss VH1’s Storytellers featuring the Smashing Pumpkins with the master Mike Garson on the keyboards! The show will premier on VH1 on this Saturday (Saturday, November 4th) at 10:00PM EST. As always, Mark’s playing is unmistakable! Thanks, Lambugi!

Ok!…it's David And Stella Again

The current issue of OK! magazine (Issue dated November 3rd) reports from the VH-1 Vogue Fashion Awards with yet another picture of David and Stella McCartney. If this story sounds a little too familiar for comfort, it’s possibly because I reported the very same details last week from HELLO magazine who also have a similar picture in their November 3rd issue.

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)

Grandaddy, We Love You

Fame…What’s your name? What’s your name? What’s your name? What’s your name? What’s your name?

NME this week has a snippet about David’s recent backstage meeting with Grandaddy: “Grandaddy got the shock of their lives when none other than David Bowie, sauntered into their dressing room post-gig. The bearded ones were even further taken aback to find out that Bowie knew each and every one of them by their first names…” No mean feat when I consider I’ve met them a couple of times now, and I still get ’em mixed up.

But, just in case there are any of you now worried that you wouldn’t be capable of similar recognition skills if you bumped into Grandaddy at your local skateboard park, just look at the picture above and match ’em up with this list: From left to right: Aaron, Tim, Jason, Jim and Kevin.

You can even print out this page just in case aforementioned improbable meeting takes place. If you want to impress the band further by listing each member’s contribution to Grandaddy, simply click on the image above. This has been another free service from BowieNet in our ‘Social Skills’ programme aimed at the likes of Rednik!

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)

Placebo – Your Questions Answered! (final Part)

Don’t miss this last installment of the BowieNet interview with Placebo! The topics include their interest in film-making, the thoughts behind the innovative ‘rap’ style track Spite And Malice, and their personal goodbyes to David and all the BowieNet members.

We wish them all the very best for the future, and send our thanks for the time they took to talk exclusively to us.

Click on the image above to read more about the day (if you haven’t already) , and then click below to see the final part of the film.

Thanks, spaceface and steph! (image:steph)

Chat Tonight!

The Original Scary Monster!

Tonight’s the night we chat with David Bowie! So get your Trick-or-Treatin’ in early and snuggle up with some Kit Kats and Corn Candy in front of your humming computer for an intimate keyboard tickling experience with Halloween Jack!

The fun starts at 10PM EST on Yahoo!, then continues on BowieNet into the Witching Hour. Don’t miss the BNet portion of this chat which will include both Tricks and Treats! In fact, check back right here in the news at around 11PM just around the full mooon…

Placebo – Your Questions Answered! (part 2)

Are these guys good, or what? Yes, Placebo, but also BowieNutters Steph and Spaceface! Bump up the karma for all the hard work they put in to bring you this amazing interview!

This second part of the film is great fun! Hear about Placebo’s hobbies (Formula One, Ping Pong and Karaoke!) and also hear their answers to a former ‘David Asks’ question.

You can go You can also go here to read more about the interview day, (which includes a link to a review of a recent live gig), and then click below to watch the second section of the interview!

Thanks, spaceface and steph! (image:steph)