Art Decade…well Month Actually

The eyes have it…

The overwhelming traffic in the direction of as an exclusive free David Bowie print was announced a few days ago, was so extraordinarily heavy that it caused the BowieArt servers to meltdown! You will be pleased to learn that the problem has now been rectified and the print is available again as a downloadable zip file. Click on the detail of the image above to take you there.

BowieArt yesterday also announced the opening of an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery entitled: Painting the Century which opens next week (26th October) and promises to bring together “over one hundred major portraits, loaned from collections around the world, in what is said to be the most ambitious exhibition being mounted in London to celebrate the new millennium.”

The painting above (sorry about the poor quality reproduction) is a portrait of David and Iman by Stephen Finer, which can be seen at the exhibition. Some of you may remember Stephen’s portrait of David painted in 1994 (below) that is available in the NPG bookshop as a postcard. For more information on the exhibition and booking details etc, go here:

While we are on the subject of Bowie paintings, don’t forget that David has once again generously contributed towards the ArtAid 2000 art exhibition in support of Crusaid, Britain’s national fundraiser for HIV and AIDS. The exhibition currently underway at the Vinopolis Gallery in London SE1, runs from 12th October through to 31st October 2000. David has contributed one of his series of Dheads… Dhead LXIII…(see below) All the works are available for purchase, with all monies raised going towards the Crusaid charity. For further information visit Crusaid Web site.

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)