Hello! It's David And Stella Again

Reports from the VH-1 Vogue Fashion Awards are still cropping up in the UK. Following the first highlight from the show on Channel 4’s Big Breakfast and the same sort of coverage later on the Celebrity! programme on ITV, pictures have now started to appear in print. Check out this week’s HELLO! magazine (Issue dated November 3rd) for a quite splendid picture of David and Stella (different to the one posted above) also taken by the most talented Kevin Mazur.

Total Blam Blam (European Correspondent)

Gq Editor's Bowie Haircut

The Sunday Times magazine features an interview with 39 year old GQ editor, Dylan Jones this week. He talks about how his image has changed over the years, and discusses his teenage obsession with David.

“I remember trying to get involved with fashion at the time of glam rock, when I was just coming into my teens. I was obsessed with David Bowie and I desperately wanted a Bowie haircut but I couldn’t have one; I haven’t got full-bodied hair, so the hairdresser compromised and I ended up looking like Dave Hill of Slade for about six weeks. And I remember experimenting with fluorescent socks and platform boots. If the fashion police had been around in those days, I’m sure I would have been in solitary confinement.”

Thanks, Spaceface!

Bowie Shoots Dylan, New Evidence

A strange young man called Dylan…

You may remember a journal entry of David’s from Friday, October 6th 2000, where David mentioned going to see The Who at Madison Square Garden. The journal was accompanied by several pictures that David took at the show, including a close-up of Jakob Dylan’s face. Jakob is lead singer with the support for that evening, The Wallflowers. You may also remember that the version of ‘Heroes’ that The Wallflowers performed moved David to describe their performance of the song as ‘…damned fine…’

Anyway, if you want to see the picture of David taking that very picture of Jakob, (which you should be getting tantalising, and probably quite irritating, glimpses of above) simply click on the sleeve of The Wallflowers’ version of ‘Heroes’ above, and you will be magically transported there. Modern technology, eh?

Total Blam Blam (European Correspondent)

An Acrobat's Heart

A wonderful new CD by Bowie old friend and a fave artist, Annette Peacock has just been released. It’s called ‘an acrobat’s heart’ and represents her writing over this last while. Very beautiful and edgy. It’s on ECM Records folks, buy one today. You won’t regret. In all likelihood Annette will be making an appearance, presumably on synth and vocals, on the Visconti produced Bowie album penciled in for next year.

Scary Monsters (and Super Chats)!

Opening strange doors that we’ll never close again….

We are thrilled to announce a chat with the ultimate scary monster, David Bowie himself (or should I say Halloween Jack)! The chat will be twofold, beginning on yahoo.com at 10PM EST and then trick-or-treating on over to BowieNet where David will chat some more with BowieNutters from 11-12PM.

Access the BowieNet portion of the chat from the Bowiechat homepage, as usual!