I put him on a train to Eastbourne…
At least 90% of you got this one right. The other 10% of answers ranged from Station to Station (understandable) to Little Wonder (don’t ask). Of course the song title we were looking for was The Laughing Gnome via the line: “I put him on a train to Eastbourne”. I think the answer was obviously there in the picture, but if further clues were needed a click through from the picture above took you to a larger version that, after about ten seconds, flashed up a “little old man in scarlet and grey”. Easy wasn’t it? The bad news is that The Laughing Gnome is one of the tracks not being re-made for Toy. };-)
Stephen ‘Baby Hair’ Breach who actually hails from Eastbourne, wins a signed Bowie poster for his wonderful effort, and aam@davidbowie.co.uk (Alan Morgan) wins a copy of the boxed Bowie at the Beeb eight-track promotional sampler for being the name that was spewed out of the random selector with the correct answer. Your prizes will be winging their way to you as soon as you have furnished me with your real world addresses.
While we are on the subject of winners, the following people haven’t supplied me with their name and address for the Beeb T-shirt competition yet. Please send your info to: MrTotalBlamBlam@AOL.com with “Bowie at the Beeb T-shirt Winner Stragglers” in the subject line.
Go here for this month’s even easier competition picture that was sent in by Don ‘Husband of Spidey’ Atkins, from up north somewhere.
Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)