Thanksgiving History

Eel pie, anyone?

Close your eyes for a moment and drift with us back to, oh, say…fourth grade…

In case you brits (or yanks, for that matter) forgot what Thanksgiving’s all about, here’s the 30-or-so-word BowieNet synopsis (when’s the last time you saw a 300 word 30-word synopsis?):

Sometime about, oh, 400 years ago (1620, to be precise), some Pilgrims (i.e. Puritans who were labeled as blasphemous freaks back in the old country) hopped on a dingy old boat and headed for the New World. Upon arrival in Massachusetts (they were aiming for Virginia), they got more than they bargained for with a fistful of bad weather. Many froze their tucuses off that first winter.

While they were sitting around shivering, trying to figure out how to get themselves out of this frozen wasteland, a couple of Indians came by (okay, they were from the Wampanoag tribe, ye historians) and introduced them to the teepee, or presumably a warmer version thereof. They also showed them how to plant crops which had somehow eluded these clever Puritans.

The following year, lo and behold the crops proved to be fruitful. To celebrate the coming of the corn, as it were, the pilgrims organized a big party and were thoughtful enough to invite the Indians. The indians brought way more people than they planned for, so the indians also wound up providing most of the food. It turned out to be quite a successful shabang, so they decided to make it an annual thing.

* Editor’s note: apparently the gratitude towards the Indians soon faded, as they were promptly slaughtered on a mass scale with the few survivors confined to increasingly miniscule reservations.