Bowie On The Buses

I found the secrets, I found gold…

Following the post provided by Pozie, (…try saying that ten times quickly with your thumb up your…) buses have started to appear on the streets of London with our man’s face plastered large on the side. This is all part of radio station Capital Gold’s new promotion for the station. The artists featured in the campaign include some of the most successful popular music acts ever, including Bowie, The Beatles, Freddie Mercury, Hendrix, Blondie, ABBA, Stevie Wonder, Elton John, Sting and Tina Turner – reflecting the station?s unique and wide ranging playlist, it says here.

Click on the logo below to take you to the online site for Capital Gold.

Total Blam Blam (European Correspondent)

Hallo Spaceboy

As Spaceface mentioned on Saturday, this week the Top of the Pops website features historical performances by David Bowie from the Top of the Pops TV show from the last 30 years.

In addition to the daily video clips, we are delighted to announce that BowieNet will feature an additional clip from TOTP! Click HERE or on the image above to watch the exclusive video performance of Hallo Spaceboy!

Today you can also watch a clip of Dean Man Walking on the Top of the Pops website. Other performances broadcast this week include:

Tuesday – Heroes
Wednesday – Fashion
Thursday – Thursday’s Child
Friday – Starman
Saturday – Fashion (Legs & Co)
Sunday – Space Oddity (Pan’s People)

TOTP will also have an online Bowie fan quiz and those who successfullycomplete it will be eligible for a draw to win a complete CD set of hisalbums released on RCA between 1969 and 1980 plus a T-shirt and poster.Runners up can win one of five signed Bowie At The Beeb CDs.

Got My Vines At The Right Time

To put it mildly, the press has picked up on the news story we brought you on Wednesday about David Bowie being crowned the most influential musician of all time. You can find the story at, The Times, Yahoo! or directly from, to name a few.

Tomorrow NME.COM plans to unveil a “minisite” dedicated to the list, where readers can log on and comment about the winners. Here’s our chance to log on and thank them for giving our man the recognition he deserves!

Bowie Born Here? (…or Here, Or Here, Or Here?)

Born in slumber less than peace, Struggle with a child whose screaming dreaming

The Daily Mail this morning has a quiz with pictures of twelve celebrities and the houses in which they grew up. We have lifted four of those houses in the animation above for your amusement. When you think you know, or you give up, click on the animation for the solution. Oh what fun!

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)

Friday On My Mind

This week’s newsletter from includes a link to David’s Oct 99 TFI Friday interview. If you haven’t already seen it, you can watch the whole 12 minutes or so.

They say :-

“At 52, Bowie is more wired than many musicians half his age….”

This show was the same weekend as David played at Netaid, and we had a Bowienet party in London. For more about this Bowie filled weekend, you can go here.

Thanks, Spaceface!

Db On Totp And Contest!

I see from the message boards that some of you had the same exciting email as me in your inbox yesterday. Here it is!

“In the spirit of the Bowie At The Beeb album, the Top Of The Popswebsite ( will be posting exclusive Quicktime footage ofDavid Bowie’s performances on the TOTP TV show from over the past 30 years.

There will also be TOTP video posted right here, on BowieNet! Check back right here in the news for direct links to the videos!

Starting on Monday November 27th, each day of the week will see a differentBowie performance being posted up on the site:

Monday – Dead Man Walking
Tuesday – Heroes
Wednesday – Fashion
Thursday – Thursday’s Child
Friday – Starman
Saturday – Fashion (Legs & Co)
Sunday – Space Oddity (Pan’s People)

TOTP will also have an online Bowie fan quiz and those who successfullycomplete it will be eligible for a draw to win a complete CD set of hisalbums released on RCA between 1969 and 1980 plus a T-shirt and poster.Runners up can win one of five signed Bowie At The Beeb CDs.

Of particular note for Bowie fans is the Heroes footage which features agreat live vocal, along with Starman which features Bowie dressed as ZiggyStardust with Mick Ronson on guitar.”

Can’t wait!!!

Thanks, Spaceface!!

Changes Features In Pop 100

The latest issue of Rolling Stone features “The Pop 100,” a list of the top 100 pop songs from The Beatles to the Backstreet Boys. Rolling Stone teams up with MTV to bring us this, er….enlightening list…..

David Bowie weighs in with one track, Changes, which is listed as number 38. The blurb reads:

    “Very Neurotic” is how David Bowie described “Changes” in a 1972 interview with ROLLING STONE. “Changes” was the first single for RCA, which had signed him on the merits of his six-track demo for the Hunky Dory album. Bowie wanted “Life on Mars” as the single, but it was “Changes” – with its undertones of English musichall camp and lounge singing – that would ultimately become his anthem.

    Mick Rock, who first began his decades-long friendship with Bowie when he interviewed the singer for that 1972 ROLLING STONE feature, says lyrics like “I watched the rippleschange their size” reflected Bowie’s interest in Buddhism. Because it was the song so perfectly described his mutable artistic persona (“I’ve never caught a glimps/Of how the others must see the faker”) that gives its name to Bowie’s 1976 greatest-hits collection.

    Rick Wakeman, who played piano on the Hunky Dory sessions, remembers Bowie as precise and professional. He knew the sound he wanted, and he would scold the band for being under-rehearsed. “That piece was very much something he had envisioned from start to finish,” Wakeman says, “which is probably why it was so sucessful. It didn’t need mucking around with.”

In this chart Bowie is ranked above other artists such as N’sync, Goo Goo Dolls, Whitney Houston, Bob Dylan, and Eric Clapton.

Thanks, Bsctrumpet!!

What In The World

Hmmmm….looks familiar…. Interview Magazine has provided an interesting gift for its subscribers; actually, the gift is from MAC, and is a “supplement” to Interview. WhatEVER… The gift is a calendar entitled “Art is Everywhere,” and what image do you think graces the month of January 2001 other than the above picture? The caption reads, “David Bowie, Renaissance Man – Self-Portrait.” Also on the calendar is a quote from David, which is: The worst joke God can play it to make you an artist, but only a mediocre artist.” Ain’t it the truth?

Thanksgiving History

Eel pie, anyone?

Close your eyes for a moment and drift with us back to, oh, say…fourth grade…

In case you brits (or yanks, for that matter) forgot what Thanksgiving’s all about, here’s the 30-or-so-word BowieNet synopsis (when’s the last time you saw a 300 word 30-word synopsis?):

Sometime about, oh, 400 years ago (1620, to be precise), some Pilgrims (i.e. Puritans who were labeled as blasphemous freaks back in the old country) hopped on a dingy old boat and headed for the New World. Upon arrival in Massachusetts (they were aiming for Virginia), they got more than they bargained for with a fistful of bad weather. Many froze their tucuses off that first winter.

While they were sitting around shivering, trying to figure out how to get themselves out of this frozen wasteland, a couple of Indians came by (okay, they were from the Wampanoag tribe, ye historians) and introduced them to the teepee, or presumably a warmer version thereof. They also showed them how to plant crops which had somehow eluded these clever Puritans.

The following year, lo and behold the crops proved to be fruitful. To celebrate the coming of the corn, as it were, the pilgrims organized a big party and were thoughtful enough to invite the Indians. The indians brought way more people than they planned for, so the indians also wound up providing most of the food. It turned out to be quite a successful shabang, so they decided to make it an annual thing.

* Editor’s note: apparently the gratitude towards the Indians soon faded, as they were promptly slaughtered on a mass scale with the few survivors confined to increasingly miniscule reservations.

Turkey In Rose Pedal Sauce

…okay, that was a stretch. But in the perpetual search for clever segues, it’s gonna have to do!

ROSE pedal sauce….get it? Rose? Pedal sauce? Like Water for Chocolate? Red red rose? Roses are red, violets are….er…..nevermind. Let us give thanks!

(disclaimer….the TURKEY did it!)