Lost Hallo!* Baby Alex Session Rescued

To be right in that photograph…

You may remember a story earlier in the month about a publication produced by BowieNetter Alex Alexander (01/04/01 NEWS: A GOOD YEAR FOR THE POSES) in which I mentioned (not too favourably…gulp) a free Bowie Doll supplement. Well, after taking a second look at the black and white photocopied creation, I could see there were actually some rather charming pictures screaming through the greyness, demanding to be seen in all their original full colour glory.

I contacted the photographer of the pictures, Sindymmm, and after apologising for my earlier comments, managed to persuade her that the world should see her work. She gracefully sent me the shots, and in keeping with the spirit of how she had set the pictures up, I designed a HELLO! spoof and used the session as an eight-page bonsai version called HALLO!

Above is the front cover which you can click on for a larger printable version if you so wish. We will be posting the rest of HALLO! over the course of this week. Well done Sindymmm and thanx to Alex for bringing the pictures to the public eye in the first place.

*With apologies to HELLO!

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)