Bowie In The Pink

…never rain on the heart of the pretty pink rose…

Today’s Daily Express in the UK has a rather silly two page feature that poses the equally pointless question: “Should real men ever wear pink?” The picture above, of DB at the Astoria in 1999, is one of the photographs used to fuel the YES/NO debate. Surely by using this particular picture the argument against real men ever wearing pink is dead in the water. Just ask Iman.

Having said that, I generally avoid pink for the simple reason that it clashes with the red of my eyes. And, as real man as he is, Rednik once answered the door to me dressed in a serese, wincyette nightie, which while a lovely item of clothing, (and I hate to say this publicly) made him look a little less hot than he would normally. Sorry Paul, violet is your colour.

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)