Karma Poll Results

The results from last week’s Karma Poll are in, and we are happy to announce that BowieNet Karma gets, er….good karma!

Voting on Karma on the site overall, 49% said it was a good system while only 13% said it was a bad system. The exact breakdown was:

    A. It is a good system all around 49%
    B. Good system for the Gallery, but not for the Message Boards 16%
    C. Good system for the Message Boards, but not for the Gallery 22%
    D. It is a bad system all around 13%

With regard to Karma on the Message Boards specifically, results were also positive:

    A. Karma is a good system and should not be taken so serioulsy 53%
    B. BowieNet should only allow positive Karma 30%
    C. Karma is bad and the site would be better off without it 17%

To see the data in chart form (ooooh), click here or on the small chart image above.