Bowienet Newshound In Hard-disc Disaster

It’s a crash course for the ravers…

Our very own Spaceface may seem uncharacteristically quiet over the next couple of days. No, she’s neither sulking or throwing a moody, her hard disk has gone for a burton. So please be patient and be prepared to supply your e-mail addies again as she attempts to re-construct her address book. There but for the grace of God…Now, what did I do with that back-up utility?

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)

First Monday Of The Month*…time For Guess The Lyric!

I saw a photograph of Jesus and I asked him if he’d make me five…

How easy was that one then? Far too easy for most of you for sure. The song illustrated above is ‘When I’m Five’, as 99.9% of you correctly stated. But, despite several hundred right answers, The Random Selector is programmed to choose but only one of you. Go here for the lucky name that TRS spat out, and for this month’s TWO competition pictures to make up for the lateness…erm…not actually lateness. (see below)

*Due to seasonal adjustments and Gregorian calendar fluctuations, the first Monday of January actually becomes the fourth in a way. But please don’t let that confuse you.

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)

Inside Volume 1 Now Available!

BowieNet INside Volume I is now finished! This 48-page, 6.5Mb Adobe Acrobat (.pdf file) contains a sampling of what was purged from the site from the Year 2000 on BowieNet.

In this publication, I tried to include the most important BowieNet events and a good sampling of what was on the site this past year, but obviously could not include everything as the file would be even larger and take even longer to download! While it is only 48 pages long, the volume does include a good selection of silly, irritated, and serious message board postings from 2000, member-submitted poetry and artwork, “Sailor Quotes of the Year 2000”, a post or two from when Baby Alexandria was born and the collective contribution we made to Save the Children in her honour, a couple of Ysengrin’s *great* cartoons, wistful and informative postings on AIDS, and member-written articles and pictures from all three Bowie Shows from 2000: Roseland, BBC, and Glastonbury.

BowieNet INside is printable if your colour printer can handle the job. I must apologise to European B’Nutz that I didn’t have time to do a separate volume in A4 format. 🙁 You can also save the file to your local computer disk for later viewing offline if you choose. Be aware that opening this file requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. Acrobat Reader for Mac or PC is FREE and you can get it by going to the URL below and downloading/installing it:

Get Acrobat Reader

If you have a version of Acrobat Reader earlier than 4.x, it is recommended that you uninstall it from your computer, reboot, then install the new version from the site above before attempting to download INside.

Link : BowieNet INside Volume 1

Thanks, Se7en!

Watch 'fame' At The Bbc!!

Fame, puts you there………. have David’s performance of ‘Fame’ at the BBC theatre in June last year, available to watch in streaming video! This song was definitely one of the highlights of the night, and you can check out all your favourite, lucky, lucky Bowienetters in the audience. Thanks to ‘porp’, who posted this on the message boards.

Go here.


Thanks, Spaceface!

Court Rules Against Bowie Fan

Please trip them gently, They don’t like to fall… A friendly word of advice to the likes of Rednik who is currently considering legal action against the organisers of two David Bowie events from last year. In an alleged incident at last years’ Glastonbury Festival he claims that Mike Garson “trod on my little toe” while later that same month Holly Palmer “looked at me funny” while leaving the stage of the BBC show in London. After reports in this morning’s UK press, perhaps he would be sensible to take his claim no further. A David Bowie fan from Dublin, who injured herself in a fall leaving a Bowie concert, has lost her claim for up to £30,000 damages. A judge awarded costs against the woman after her unsuccessful attempt to sue the Point Exhibition Company of Dublin, after a concert in the city five years ago. The judge said the courts were experiencing a glut of cases which had a “very thin basis for litigation”. There were 7,000 fans at the Bowie concert (it says here) in November 1995, and a certain amount of “turbulence” among fans was to be expected, the judge said. Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)

Mick Rock To Chat!

Just in time for the new book Mick Rock is planning (see David’s journal yesterday), we’ve managed to get him to commit to a BowieNet chat! It will take place right here on BowieNet at 9PM EST on Thursday February 8th. Mick will chat about his new book and all things past, present and future – get your questions ready!

Ask The Supervixen!

Just a mortal with the potential of a SuperVixen…

KelMarSuperVixen needs YOU! Beginning this month, the Supervixen will answer your questions on any topic you have a burning question about! Need advice? Want to know why parents hate it when you blow bubbles in your chocolate milk? Have you been dying to know what the worst movies of the year are? Or have you lost sleep because you just can’t wait for the next big Bowie event and you don’t want to take over the counter sedatives?

Just Ask the SuperVixen and look for the column each month!

Thanks Kelmar!