Mick Rock Chat Tonight!

It burns my wall with time…

We’re just a few hours away from our chat with the one and only Mick Rock! Got your questions ready? Ask him about the price of fish, his new book Blood & Glitter (David wrote the forewords) or the upcoming exhibition at the Proud Galleries in London!

Remember that to access the chat you must use the Java chat interface on the BowieChat page. Because this is a moderated chat, you will not see a list of the people in the room on the right, and only the questions that Mick chooses to answer will be visible.

The Blood & Glitter Exhibit will be held between April 5th – May 6th at the Proud Galleries in London (5 Buckingham Street). Prices are prices Entry £2 & Concessions £1.

The book is available through the Vision Publishing website for £19.99 (IBSN – 0953747999).

Special thanks to Total Blam Blam (European Correspondent) for the photo on the right of the chat interface!