New angels of promise
Okay, it’s time to get our experimental Helping Hands program off the ground. Please keep in mind that this is a new idea we have decided to try based on your feedback. As we move forward, we might add or remove roles as the need arises, or possibly drop the whole program altogether. It really depends on how things unfold.
The response to the announcement was overwhelming! To make sure everyone who is interested has an opportunity to try this, we will rotate these positions every three months. If you applied but were not selected, please don’t take it personally! Everyone who responded was very qualified and enthusiastic, so these selections were largely based on chance. Plus you’ll have another shot at it in July!
On with it, then! Our first round of Helping Hands are:
- U.S. Calendar Cat – jamesfranco
European Calendar Cat – chris.lequellec
Calendar Cats will keep an eye out for Bowie related events (such as TV shows, radio programs, etc.) that are ommitted in the Bowie Calendar and submit their finds via e-mail.
U.S. News Nanny – pozie
European News Nanny – susans
News Nannies will act as assistants to BowieNet News Correspondents by checking links, doing research, looking for news, etc.
Gallery Gurus – Riabear and Collingould
Gallery Gurus will help keep the Gallery free from duplicate postings, point out broken links we might have missed and also help to catch any unwanted postings that fell through the cracks like work that is not original (for example, cartoons that are scanned or copied from outside sources do not belong in the Gallery).
Thanks again to everyone who applied, and we encourage you to submit your thoughts about this experimental idea as we move forward. If you have any questions or comments, you can e-mail da Saint!
People who have been selected for this first round should please check their e-mail for further details.