
Liv Tyler (The Guardian) : “I was thinking about it the other day, how that whole period of music was so amazing, and how lucky I was, ’cause I could meet all these people – Bowie and Iggy Pop and Keith Richard and Joey. And there’s really not that many people left that I feel that way about.”

Simon Price on King Adora (The Independent) : Spite is an undervalued mood in rock. It’s Morrissey mewing “Is that the best you can do?”; it’s Bowie calling “Oh God, I could do better than that!”, and it’s King Adora’s Maxi Browne singing just about anything at all.

Hanif Kureshi (The Guardian) : “David Bowie, especially around the Berlin period of Station to Station and Low, is a continued favourite, and an influence on the writing. “I think it was very sophisticated, and knowing – it somehow encapsulated the history of music within it.” The rock star that Gabriel idolises in Gabriel’s Gift is very Bowie-like. “We (HK and DB) had lunch once and passed a building site, and all of the builders ran to the front of the site and stood there, screaming and shouting.”

Gordon Robson (The Telegraph) – is floating his telephony group Stream on Aim this month. It seems, however, that there’s something else he’d rather be doing. His passion for music extends to having a recording studio at home where he jams on guitar and keyboards, reminiscing on his musical past as a member of various bands. “I suppose if I can’t be David Bowie, then floating on Aim has got to be the next best thing,” he says.
