I’m stuck with a valuable friend…
George Underwood’s official website is now up and running. You all know George through his association with David, via paintings, album sleeves and anecdotes of their time together as friends since childhood. Apart from the stuff you would expect to see, this site shows another side of George through a short biography, and part one of a brand new interview conducted by Kevin Cann, from which follows a couple of lines about the painting from The Man Who Fell To Earth below:
A lot of your most recent work is in oils, have you always worked in this medium?
“No, I started painting in oils around 1972 (see Tryptych under ‘paintings’ page 4) but my first oil painting for a job was The Man Who Fell To Earth book jacket.”
A painting you featured in your solo About Face exhibition a few years back…
Yes, it’s one of my favourites of David, and David now owns it. He loaned it back to me for the show.
Keep your eye on the site for part two of this interview, and while you’re there check out some of George’s other work. If you aren’t already familiar with it, it truly is magnificent stuff and it also makes the failure of Calvin James’ career in music seem not such a bad thing. After all, had Calvin been successful, George may never have had the urge to pick up his brushes quite so frequently. If that makes no sense to you whatsoever, check out the interview and all will become as clear as turpentine.