New Annie Leibovitz Show

Detail from a photograph of David Bowie
in Atlanta Georgia, 1990 by Annie Leibovitz

I keep a photograph…

Annie Leibovitz, the creator of the magnifecent portrait of David Bowie above, has a show of her most recent photographs entitled ‘Nudes’ at the Shine Gallery in London. Annie has chosen performers from renowned dance companies as her subject matter for this exhibition, and the operating theatre lights she has used to illuminate the figures have given the pictures a beautiful blue hue that lends a cold, eerie quality to the shots.

I feel duty-bound to point out to members of the NSFC that this exhibition does not contain any pictures of David Bowie himself, let alone nude ones, but is well worth a visit anyway. Pop over to Bowieart News for further details of the exhibition, and if you have plenty of cash to spare you may want to stick in a bid for the full-size original of the above photograph over on eBay right now.