V – The Last Word

Cover of V magazine…Ziggy’s bastard children
proving it’s OK to sport a mullet again!

It’s confusing these days…

There seems to be a tiny bit of confusion surrounding the publication that brought us David’s ‘Cosh Boys’ piece that I first mentioned on Wednesday ( 05/02/01 NEWS: BOWIE WRITES AND ROCK SHOOTS FOR ‘V’ MAG ). Firstly the publication is the bi-monthly V magazine, which should not be confused with the limited edition Visionaire that is published less frequently and costs about fifty times more than V. Secondly, V magazine isn’t themed and only David’s piece relates to gangs.

OK, so what you need to seek out is the March/April 2001 Spring edition that is Issue #10 of V magazine, pictured above, available in your local artsy type newsagent or booksellers. V magazine can be found in the right places all over the planet, but unfortunately does not have a presence on the world-wide information super highway.

The incredible Visionaire itself is also worth checking out if you can afford it. David contributed to Issue 25 (confusingly entitled ‘Visionairy’) and Iman made a particularly stunning appearance in Issue 21, ‘Deck Of Cards’. The Visionaire site can be found here. Good luck.