Pictures of Lily made my life so wonderful…
Last week (05/09/01 NEWS: WIN PICTURES OF LILY PROMO CD) we posed the question: “who produced David’s version of Pictures Of Lily” that appears on the upcoming ‘Substitute‘ album? Well, the good news is that if you look to BowieNet for accurate information at times like this, then you are in with a greater chance of being one of the lucky five winners of the above four-track promo.
A few misguided souls that were misinformed elsewhere did answer Tony Visconti, but the majority of you were smart enough to check out the pop-up on the competition page that contained the winning combination of David Bowie and Mark Plati, who did actually produce the track. The five BowieNet members that TRS did randomly select were:
But then in an uncharacteristic malfunction, TRS spat out a further two names, which I guess we’ll just have to honour:
So if the seven of you could please send your real world names and addresses to MrTotalBlamBlam@AOL.Com, Post Mistress Nanny Susans will service you immediately in a way that only she can.