Don’t recognize anyone…
Not going to prolong the agony any further on this one, here are the answers to the competition we set more than a month ago. (06/29/01 NEWS: WIN ALL SAINTS ULTRA-RARITY) All you had to do was give me the titles of the nine albums I have taken the letters from in the image above. In order, starting from the first ‘a’ on the left, hundreds of you guessed:
…and you were quite right! The two randomly-selected BowieNetters that have suddenly become the envy of thousands are:, who wins the signed-personally-by-David-Bowie copy of the ultra-rare original ‘All Saints’, and who wins an unsigned sealed copy of same. If you could both contact me at MrTotalBlamBlam@AOL.Com with your real name and address, and a subject heading of: Original ‘All Saints’ CD winner, we will have your booty to you as soon as we possibly can.
Well done to you both, and comiserations to the rest of you. See below for a new competition to take your minds off not winning!