
“…such is the stuff from where dreams are woven”

One magical moment (well, more than one actually)…September 2001 issues of UNCUT and GQ

More thumbs aloft in the UK for ‘All Saints’ and ‘Christiane F.’ The current edition of UNCUT, (which has an Elton John special that contains comments like: “Elton possessed little or non of Bowie’s darkened glamour and subversive wit.”) had this to say about ‘All Saints’:

“…as an alternate portrait focusing on one minor facet of Bowie’s broader artistry, it works brilliantly, sounding thoroughly modern throughout.”

Meanwhile, the latest edition of GQ magazine claims that ‘Christiane F.’ is “Not just one for the spotters” but in fact “the Anglo-German ‘Heroes’ is worth the cover price alone.” And who am I to challenge a statement of fact?

I’m an absolute beginner…BIZARRE August 2001

The frankly bizarre Bizarre magazine has a comparatively normal interview with Julien Temple in which the man who directed ‘Absolute Beginners’, ‘Blue Jean’, ‘Day In, Day Out’ and that excellent Tin Machine epic confesses that he may have had no career at all without David Bowie’s influence:

“I think I got into film school because they thought I was a token gay guy, because I was into Bowie…Actually we did look at the records, and I know that’s why they let me in. It was because I had plucked eyebrows.”

Knights are warm and the days are young…EMPIRE September 2001

Empire magazine has a special on ‘A Knight’s Tale’ including a discussion about the music in the film with director Brian Helgeland:

“All the songs were songs I was listening to when I was 13, or 15. But I also tried to pick songs that moved the story along…I was just trying to show that the past was once the present.” Nowhere was this method applied more than in the dance sequence involving Heath Ledger, Shannyn Sossaman, and David Bowie’s ‘Golden Years’. “That’s my favourite sequence in the movie,” smiles Helgeland. “…David Bowie helped us with the tracks and got us a master recording.”