Bowie – Worthy Of His Status?

David Bowie…We think he’s really rather good.

You show respect even if you disagree…

The BBC’s Radio 2 have the next instalment of their appropriately named ‘Heroes Or Zeroes’ series scheduled for this Thursday November 1st. This irreverent, tongue-in-cheek show, presented by one half of Radio 1’s Mark and Lard team, Mark Radcliffe, asks whether contemporary rock icons are worthy of their status. And this week David Bowie is the subject of the show.

Radcliffe himself has made no secret of his appreciation of all things Bowie, but he has managed to get together a couple of gents who don’t see eye-to-eye on the subject of David’s achievements. Batting for the good guys is one Andrew Collins, who obviously has a greater grasp of rock history than Tom Ewing. Tom makes an unconvincing argument of not finding any value in over thirty years of achievement…and this from a man who hasn’t even learned the correct pronunciation of Bowie!

The show is worth a listen even though I can think of a few you that should steer clear, lest you become murderous! You can listen to ‘Heroes Or Zeroes’ here on Thursday evening at 22:00 GMT. I look forward to the debate that is sure to follow on the MBs.