Bbca Rocks With Bowie For Thanksgiving

Just watch me now…

If you missed BBC America‘s two previous Bowie weekends, don’t worry.. Especially for Thanksgiving, they are planning yet another weekend “celebrating music legend David Bowie”.

Programmes are as follows :

11/22/01 (Thursday)

Bowie at the Beeb : 8.00PM
Bowie at the Beeb : 9.30PM
Later with Jools : 11.00PM

11/23/01 (Friday)

The Man Who Fell To Earth : 12.00AM
Bowie at the Beeb : 3.00AM
A Little Later : 4.30AM
Bowie at the Beeb : 1.00PM
A Little Later : 2.30PM
Cracked Actor : 8.00PM
Bowie at the Beeb : 9.00PM
Cracked Actor : 10.30PM
The Man Who Fell To Earth : 11.30PM

11/24/01 (Saturday)

The Man Who Fell To Earth : 2.30AM
A Little Later : 5.30AM

Bowie at the Beeb, June 2000, by Total Blam Blam.

Also, if you visit the BBCA website, you can win one of 10 “Bowie at the Beeb” box sets, and, as always, you can find full details of these and other programmes, in our calendar.

