Here’s an image I recommend
Starting tonight on Channel 4 in the UK is the two part series Because You’re Worth It: 100 Years Of Make Up. The series “traces the relationship between the changing needs of women and of one of the biggest and most influential industries in the world, from its humble beginnings at the turn of the 20th century to the huge business that it is today”, and looks at how “the cosmetics industry has continued to act as a mirror for social change.”
For those not in the UK, there is an excellent website accompanying the series, which includes:
-a decade-by-decade walk through the history of cosmetics.
-biographies of some of those who made it happen.
-an examination of women, make-up and power.
-an investigation into the symbiotic relationship between celebrity and cosmetics.
For her influential role in changing attitudes to women of colour, as well as the development of her own range of cosmetics, Iman features on both the TV show and the website, and is seen in the commercial for the show which is now airing. The programme goes out on 13th and 20th February at 9.00pm on Channel 4 in the UK.