Another Minotaur On The Loose

An image from one of the 17 inserts included in
the ‘This Minotaur’ box set © David Bowie 1994.

Then I got the small red box, And I didn’t know what to do…

While we’re on the subject of eBay, you may have noticed that there is a copy of the spectacular Minotaur box up for grabs that we mentioned in the news a couple of weeks back. (02/14/02 NEWS: ULTRA-RARE MINOTAUR BOX FOR SALE) If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out by clicking on the image above. It’s worth a look just to see the individual prints.

The seller has a ‘Buy It Now’ option for a mere $10,500.00, so I expect this copy will be sold within an hour or two of me posting this! };-)