Good time love…
This month’s gratuitous use of a David Bowie picture in
Neil explained, rather diplomatically, that “they were all incredibly nice and co-operative”, while singling out Dusty’s perfectionism as the thing that probably made her the hardest to work with. So, no real mention of David, but enough of one to get that regular Bowie shot in. You may think that the fact I haven’t mentioned the monthly Bowie Q pic recently is an indication that there hasn’t been one, think on…
Last month’s issue (March) had a picture of the Ziggy Stardust sleeve to illustrate a piece by the brilliant Ricky Gervais (The Office, XFM etc.) in which he chose his five favourite albums, and the February edition had a Tibet 2001 shot to illustrate a piece about Bowie Bonds, not to mention the four self-portraits that we mentioned at the time. (02/19/02 NEWS: WIN MATTHEW COLLINGS’ ART CRAZY NATION) One of these days I’ll sit down and work out how far back this unbroken chain stretches, unless somebody out there….