Image © Kevin Mazur/
It’s the rain before the storm
David’s set was unfortunately cut short by rain, thunder and lightning on Friday night. The band continued as long as possible, sometimes in very difficult conditions, but in the end it was just too dangerous to go on. They had hoped to return and complete the set, but this was not possible due to time constraints.
Despite the weather, David and the band were in great spirits, and really enjoying the challenge. David himself was full of his usual smart one-liners. He told everyone that China Girl was “on the new album, if you want to hear it again”, and introduced Katherine Russell as playing “keyboards, drums and a TV set”.
He did a little rain dance early on to try and stop the rot, but sadly it didn’t work. Once the rain got established, he ventured to the front of the stage, opened his mouth, dangled out his tongue and ‘drank’ the rain. This sight made the audience squeal once again. The man is so hot on this tour!
The weather provided a dramatic and often very appropriate set for some of the songs, especially ‘I Would Be Your Slave’. David sang the song straight up to the heavens, and was ‘rewarded’ with a bolt of lightning. ooer…
David Bowie and Busta Rhymes backstage at Jones Beach
Image © Kevin Mazur/
There are lots more great images from this gig at Wire Image.
Here are some quotes from the message boards which tell a little more of the story.
“Heroes” in the rain was phenomenal. And by rain, we mean downpour. It gave new meaning to the “I wish I could swim like dolphins can swim” lyric. And Bowie was in such a lovely mood… I have to admit that I was floored (even choked up for a few moments) by “Life on Mars”. All of the new stuff has really taken on a new energy since Roseland. “Slip Away” is really growing on me. (chamomile)
You wouldn’t believe the effects that lightning and thunder has on the song ‘I’m Afraid Of Americans’ unless you’ve seen it. (dbfan)
I never thought I’d have the odd pleasure of seeing David during a storm. It was so dramatic and darkly romantic. Bowie and band sounded so gigantic and monstrously beautiful.. (Antoine Poncelet)
I’ve lost track of the amount of times I’ve seen David.. but I can honestly say I’ve never been this wet during one of his shows! (nameless Bowienet member)
Set List
Life On Mars?
Ashes To Ashes
Slip Away
China Girl
I’ve Been Waiting For You
I Would Be Your Slave
I’m Afraid Of Americans
5:15 The Angels Have Gone
(Thanks to SusanS for the set list and anecdotes)