Bones and Oogie on a silver screen
David and the band performed ‘Everyone Says Hi’ and ‘Slip Away’ to a very appreciative audience on the Swedish TV show, ‘Bingo Lotto’ on Saturday. You can check out this post on our message boards for more.
Image: Much Music website
it’s only ‘cos you’re true
A new interview with David is showing across the USA and Canada today. ‘The New Music‘ a show which describes itself as:- The mandatory media source for an intelligent take on pop culture and music will air footage shot while db was on the Area 2 tour at 9.00PM ET and 6.00PM PT. ‘The New Music’ shows on both Much Music (today) and City TV on Thursday at 11.35PM ET and 8.35PM PT.
Here is a quote from what the website has to say about their luck in obtaining an interview. He is one of the most interesting, innovative, industrial and important artists of all time. … (He) has influenced about as many people as any other artist in history. … He is a force of his own. I can only be talking about one of two people and seeing as Beethoven is dead, that leaves David Bowie. Bowie has not only invented scenes, he’s survived them. I was lucky enough to talk to one of the last true artists while he was touring with Moby’s Area Two festival and he opened up about his life, his fear, his work and his disappointments.
Do make sure to check out the link, as you can see some outtakes from the interview online.
(Thanks to ursula2k for the pointer.)