Andherson Miliatti, and right, Andherson with his friend Angie.
It is with much sadness that I bring you news of the death of BowieNetter Nathan Adler, whose real name was Andherson Miliatti. His good friend, BowieNetter Leon, has informed me that Andherson took his own life on Wednesday the 8th of October.
Brazilian Bowie Fan Club, OUTSIDE, held their first annual meeting in January 1999 in Rio de Janeiro, with much of the success of the event attributed to the mult-talented Andherson.
Andherson was only 29 when he died, and he will be dearly missed by family and friends, including fellow Outsiders, Angie (pictured with Andherson above) Leon, EmÃÂlio, Carol, Gustavo and Lázslo. You can visit his website by clicking on the montage above.
David has expressed his own sadness at Andherson’s passing, in this