More Rumours Quashed By Db Himself!

A frustrated DB photographed by Sukita back in ’77,
during a severe bout of particularly silly rumours.

Round and round the rumours fly…

For those that don’t regularly visit the message boards, I feel duty-bound to report that David has dismissed a couple of the sillier recent rumours, pooh-poohing the Daily Telegraph’s retirement speculation in particular as “absolute codswallop”! This is how he tackled the rumours on the MBs earlier today:

Rumours et al

Couple of squashes for you.

1. I have no plans to retire.
2. I have not been approached to play a show in Bali.
3. I am writing like crazy for the next album.

Happy New Year.


So there you have it, straight from the old goat’s mouth, so to speak.

Bowienet Bob Competition Winners

(There’s gonna be sorrow) try and wake up tomorrow…

The Best of Bowie competition winners are here. (Sorry for the delay, one of my arms fell off… I got better!) Those of you who entered know there was nothing to actually answer on this one, which may explain the extraordinarily high turn out.

You may remember that you were only allowed to enter for one of the four different items up for grabs. The good news for those of you after the ultra-rare withdrawn poster, is that this was the least entered of the four competitions… but, that still means you only had a 1 in 101 chance of winning!

Anyway, without prolonging the agony, here are the 16 winners who should all send their real names and addresses to me at with a heading of “I won a BoB thing”.

5 copies of the UK Best of Bowie double CD



5 copies of the UK Best of Bowie five-track promo CD



5 UK Best of Bowie posters



1 ultra rare UK withdrawn Best of Bowie poster



Well done you lot, we’ll have your goodies with you pronto!

Flaming Lips Lick Bowie

er… LIKE that is..

NME.COM has a funny bit with Flaming Lips lead singer Wayne Coyne

The bit about Bowie is excerpted below:

The Flaming Lips singer says he now wants to perform more joint tours, and he has singled out Bjork and David Bowie.

He said: “If you run into David Bowie, tell him we’re doing this with Beck and we want to go on tour with him. We’ll play what we feel are his best songs, kick him into shape.”

That Wayne.. what a kidder.

Click Wayne’s megaphone to read the full article.

Bowienet News Archive Updated

And I’m gone through a crack in the past…

Susans has just completed a massive update to the BowieNet news archive that covers the last few months. Due to a very busy following-Bowie-about schedule, the last update previous to this one was possibly as far back as June, but whenever it was, it’s all up to date now. It’s a great little tool when you need to find something that you know you’ve seen on BNet, but can’t quite remember when and where it was.

Click on the screen grab above to take you to October’s archive, from where you can navigate back through the months and see yet again what makes BowieNet the most frequently updated, the sexiest, and all round best place in the known universe to be… probably. Thanx again to Susans for performing this thankless task… well, not thankless, because I just thanked her, but you know what I mean!

Reminder – Bowienet Bob Comp Ending Soon

(There’s gonna be sorrow) try and wake up tomorrow…

The Best of Bowie competition I set last week (11/10/02 NEWS: BEST OF BOWIE ENTERS UK TOP TWENTY!) ends tomorrow morning at 8:00 am UK time… which is something like midnight tonight in San Francisco, and, confusingly, around 8:00 pm tomorrow evening in Australia… Don’t blame me if those translations are wrong, I’m only guessing! };-)

Anyway, I can’t imagine there are too many of you left to enter, this has been an incredibly popular competition. Surely the very high number of entrants isn’t just because there were no questions to answer? You lazy buggers! The winners will be announced the day after tomorrow sometime. };-)

The Quest For K West

“It was cold and it rained…” Ziggy is beamed thirty years
forward to another K WEST, Richmond Way, London W14.
Photograph and image manipulation by Total Blam Blam.

Nothing could be harder than the kwest for fun…

On the way home from a jolly good Suede concert at Shepherds Bush last night, (at which I met a couple of BowieNetters) three large neon letters caught my eye. K WE. Could it be, I thought to myself. I asked my driver, Simon, to edge forward a little, and sure enough there it was, big and electric blue, K WEST!

Obviously I wasn’t going to miss out on a photographic opportunity such as this, the conditions were perfect, dark, wet and extremely Heddon Street-like. And so the picture above, with the PhotoShop addition of Mr Ziggy Stardust himself, is the fruit of my labour.

After a little research this morning, it transpires that this particular K WEST has no connection with the company of the same name on the original Ziggy album sleeve. The above K WEST is actually a flash new hotel that was formerly know as KENSINGTON WEST. Anyway, my photographic reinterpretation is a spoof record sleeve just waiting to happen. You read it here first.

Click on Ziggy’s head if you want to see a larger version of this picture, where you can also just make out the car’s personalised license plate. Well done to those of you on the MBs that sussed out what this picture was all about… Oh what fun! };-)


I’ve seen the best man of my generation

Dot Music are streaming the BoB DVD versions of ‘Life On Mars?’ and ‘Let’s Dance’ as part of a competition to win a complete set of all the international CDs, or one of five CD’s and DVD’s. The Times described the BoB DVD as a mighty body of work in their review last weekend, and our message boards have been filled with your delight all week – either at re-discovery, first time viewing, finding the ‘easter eggs’ or just being blissed out at finally being able to watch a clean and audible print. So, if you haven’t got your copy yet, or you just fancy your chances, you can go here for more and to enter the competition.


I’m gonna *sing* a poem

The latest Lou Reed album ‘The Raven’ which we mentioned just a little over a year ago (11/05/01 NEWS: BOWIE CONTRIBUTES TO NEW LOU REED ALBUM) will finally be released in January 2003. You can find more details including download at Lou’s website, and you can listen to some snippets from the album via Aol Keyword: Lou Reed. David has supplied the lead vocal for “a snappy little ditty called Hopfrog” (presumably based on the Poe short story ‘Hop-Frog or The Eight Chained Ourang-Outangs’) and his contribution to the album is mentioned in both Rolling Stone and NME


Create me again and again

“Why are you creative?” is an exhibition of drawings and orginal artwork from DAVID BOWIE to the Dalia Lama and runs till the 24th of November in Frankfurt, Germany at the Museumsufer at the Museum of Kommunikation.

Hermann Vaske spent seven years travelling through 6 continents and 40 countries asking artists, philosophers and musicians “Why are you creative?” 300 answers, which are either verbal or pictorial, can be seen at the museum in Frankfurt along with a film of the material. (Thanks to Bianca for translating this and mailing in the story)


Lay me place and bake me pie..

and finally, BowieNetter NancyH emailed in with a link to a Thanksgiving story about db. If you check out Pie In The, you will see details of their annual Thanksgiving fundraiser which delivers meals to those with AIDS.

The Boston Herald says:- Place an order with Community Servings’ annual Pie in the Sky fund-raiser and these sweet creations can grace your Thansgiving table and help others at the same time. Restaurants and bakeries like Aujourd’hui, Clio, and Rosie’s Bakery – plus a few celebrities like DAVID BOWIE and Dame Edna- donate pies. (Thanks Nancy)


Homer Simpson As The God Of Glam

“You can always phone Homer…” Doh! It’s Homer Simpson As Aladdin Sane!
The Simpsons TM and © 2002 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

I’m Homer, lost my job, and incurably ill…

Yet another version of David Bowie’s iconic ‘Aladdin Sane’ has reached me in the shape of everybody’s favourite ‘toon dad, Homer Simpson. This is the third use of the image by a big name in just over a year, (09/07/01 NEWS: CLASSIC BOWIE IMAGE FOR ABSOLUT VODKA CAMPAIGN & 08/02/02 NEWS: DREW BARRYMORE GETS THE ALADDIN SANE TREATMENT) and brings the total up to, erm… quite a lot!

‘Aladdin Sane’ is one in a series of album sleeves that you can view courtesy of by clicking on Homer’s cute little cartoon nose above. };-)

Bowie Party And Photo Auction In Italy Friday

Freak out in a Moonage Daydream…

Daniele of new Italian website, Moonage Daydream, and photographer Philippe Auliac have informed me of a very special Bowie fan get together this Friday the 15th in Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza), Italy. This is the 5th annual party the organisers have staged, and you can read all about the event by clicking on the above grabs from the Moonage Daydream site.

There is an English language version of the party page if you have a problem navigating, which you shouldn’t have as it’s very easy to find your way around the Moonage Daydream site. The site is at an early stage in its development, but among the features promised for the future is a David Bowie virtual museum which promises to house a comprehensive collection of Bowie collectibles and rarities.

Apart from all the fun promised for this Friday, Philippe has a new exhibition of his brilliant Bowie pictures, some of which you can bid on by clicking on the image above. The photo auction has been arranged to collect money for those families hit by the terrible earthquake in Molise recently. So if you can afford a minimum bid of ?40.00 why not join in the auction and place a bid on one of the twelve excellent pictures on offer to help this noble cause.

Have a good look around the site for details of all of this and more, and if you do go along on Friday, please tell us how it went.