London Bowie Meet-up Tuesday – London Tour Update

There’s a bar at the end where I can meet you and your friends…

Any of you BowieNetters kicking around London Town on Tuesday night, may want to meet up with some fellow fans of the “Glam star” for a drinky-poohs and a chinwag at Match EC1 in the Clerkenwell Road…Here’s the full address etc:

Match EC1, 45-47 Clerkenwell Road, London, EC1 on Tuesday, December 17 @ 7:00PM (Nearest tube is Farringdon)

This service has been organised by which you are encouraged to sign-up to for this event, (it’s free) or indeed for future meet-ups. I don’t know quite what you can expect, except spending a bit of quality time with other Bowie fans who should all be in a jolly Christmas-type mood. If you can make it, I’ll see you there.

I should point out that has no official links and is in no way associated with BowieNet/UltarStar.

While we’re on the subject of Bowie fan meets, the London guided tour and party that we told you about last month (11/26/02 NEWS: BOWIENETTERS ORGANISE LONDON GUIDED TOUR AND PARTY) has now been set for Saturday February 1st 2003. Keep an eye on the BowieNetters London Tour 2003 site for more details.