Boy George Does Bowie Again!

“Who’ll love Aladdin Sane?” Boy George moves on a year to 1973 for his second
attempt as David Bowie on ITV’s Stars In Their Eyes Celebrity Christmas Special.

You’re out there playing your high class games of sorrow…

Who could forget Boy George’s winning performance of ‘Starman’ on Celebrity Stars In Their Eyes back in October of last year? (07/12/01 NEWS: BOWIE, BY GEORGE – 09/29/01 NEWS: BY GEORGE, IT’S ZIGGY – 10/06/01 NEWS: WILL STARMAN BE A WINNER FOR GEORGE? – 10/07/01 NEWS: GEORGE’S ZIGGY IS A WINNER) Well, in case you hadn’t already noticed the fuss in the UK tabloids recently, England’s favourite stately homo will be attempting the feat again next week, on ITV at 9:00pm UK time.

We can exclusively reveal that George has fast-forwarded a year from his last appearance to portray DB as Aladdin Sane via the 1973 top 10 hit, ‘Sorrow’. I can’t imagine he would be allowed to win a second time, but the Boy has chosen a winning combination of a great subject singing a great song, so let’s just hope the audience has the good taste to make George a winner again.

So, what can we expect next year? George as Halloween Jack performing ‘Diamond Dogs’ perhaps?