Darkness And Disgrace Is Back, Win Tickets Now!

Graffiti on the wall kept us all in tune, Bringing us all back home…

Anybody who has visited these pages regularly over the last couple of years, will know just how big a fan I am of Des de Moor and Russell Churney’s Darkness and Disgrace. (01/17/01 NEWS: BOWIE GETS THE CABARET TREATMENT IN LONDON – 01/23/01 NEWS: DARKNESS AND DISGRACE ENDS SUNDAY – 07/17/01 NEWS: WIN TICKETS FOR DARKNESS AND DISGRACE – 07/24/01 NEWS: DARKNESS AND DISGRACE TICKET WINNERS – 07/28/01 NEWS: DISGRACE IN THE DARKNESS)

From February 4th next year, the show, directed by Barb Jungr, is back in London for a three week run at the Pentameters Theatre, Hampstead. If you did get along last time you’ll know how good Darkness and Disgrace truly is. If you didn’t make it, do be sure to attend this “revamped and revitalised” version. Actually, even if you did go last time, go again!

You can book tickets by following the link from the image above, but before you do, why not arrange to go on the same night as other BowieNetters. The whole Darkness and Disgrace experience creates a wonderful atmosphere that can only be enhanced by the enthusiasm of fellow BowieNetters. Frankly, I can’t wait to see it again, and no, I don’t have a stake in this production! Anyway, don’t take my word for it, check out the reviews from the link in the image below.

BowieNetter Mike Leigh, who does the PR for Darkness and Disgrace, (hope I got that right Mike?) has very generously donated five pairs of tickets to BowieNet. For your chance to win a pair (you choose the date you want to go) simply tell me the name of the BowieNetter who was our guest reviewer back in January last year. If you don’t know the answer straight off, click on the flyer above (front and back) to take you to areas where you may find the answer.

Please only enter this contest if you are certain you will be able to attend. Send your answer to me at TotalBlamBlam@davidbowie.com with a subject line of “OMG! I know who that cheeky guest reviewer was!”. I’ll post the winners soon after the competition ends, about one week from now. Be lucky!

Gail Ann Dorsey Caption Competition Winners

“Get away from the cakes, I’m pre-menstrual and I’ve got a great big knife.”
Another great TV shot from Gail’s party, and your chance to better my caption.

I’m afraid of the words…

Here they are folx, the winners of the GAD competition we set last week. (11/30/02 NEWS: GAD, TV & KY SHOWS, PLUS GAD CAPTION COMPETITION) Below are the three captions that were randomly chosen in the end, as they were all of such a high standard it was impossible to choose just three.

‘Repeat after me… happy 19th Birthday, Gail…that wasn’t difficult, was it?’ – thegyre

Ok! BlAmO….you’ve really Done It this TiMe!!!! thats the last time your going to tell them my AgE!!! – patsdragon

lay me place and bake me cake i`m STARVIN` FOR ME BIRTHDAY. leave my shoes, and door unlocked. i might just sing SLIP AWAY, JUST for ME BIRTHDAY, hey! please sing away. hey! – PFoulstone

If the three of you could please send your real names and addresses to me at TotalBlamBlam@davidbowie.com with a subject of “I wrote a winning GAD caption”, and we’ll get your prizes to you pronto. If you want your item personalised, please say who to in the e-mail you send to me.

Meanwhile, BowieNetter Breaking Glass (H2 / Helen2, etc.) has kindly sent in the picture and words below from the 2nd of Gail’s Friday night gigs at The Bottom Line club in NYC. So I’ll leave you in her capables, so to speak…

Gail Ann at The Bottom Line. Picture by Breaking Glass.

Great show last night! We went to the late performance and were surrounded by a bunch of Gail Ann fans which was a lot of fun. Gail sounded wonderful as always, a beautiful soulful velvet voice. She sang mostly her own compositions but did cover Helen Reddy, Gil Scott-Heron and Burt Bacharach. Both the bass and guitar were pulled out and she was joined by a guitarist and keyboardist. Wonderful sounds! Those of you who have never seen Gail Ann at a solo gig should really make the effort if she ever appears near you, it is well worth the price of admission. – BreakingGlass

Heathen Sacd Release, Bowienetters Give Their Verdicts

Made for a real world…

After some delay, it seems the 5.1 mix ‘Heathen’ SACD will be released here in Europe on Monday, and the following day (Tuesday the 10th) in the US. I’m sure you all know that you need a fair bit of expensive kit to play SACDs, but according to our ear-witnesses it certainly sounds like ‘Heathen’ is an even more impressive experience when heard in this format.

The album has four bonus tracks for this version, making it a very generous 16 tracker. The bonus tracks are: ‘When The Boys Come Marching Home’, ‘Wood Jackson’, ‘Conversation Piece’ and ‘Safe’. There are probably a few of you out there, like me, that aren’t familiar with this format. TV has very kindly explained it all here:

5.1 is multichannel format and it is a generic term. There are presently 4 types of 5.1 available. Basically, all 4 can playback, left, right and center front channels, left and right rear channels and 1 subwoofer for low frequencies only (low frequencies are non-directional, which means you can’t tell from which direction they’re coming from.)

Here are the 4 formats:

Dolby Surround – Mainly for movies. Music doesn’t sound great on this system

DTS – Great for music and movies, higher quality and more separation between channels.

DVD Audio – Very upscale, no encoding takes place as is done in the previous two formats. Just 6 discrete channels of high quality audio.

Here’s the anomaly:

Sony SACD (Super Audio Compact Disc). It comes in two flavours. 2 channel, just like normal stereo, and 5.1 channels, just like the other three 5.1 formats. SACD 2 channel is what the Stones were released on. You MUST have a SONY SACD player to play this. The latest SACD players can also play 5.1, hence the Heathen mix. You’ll have to buy a new SONY SACD and have an amplifier that can accommodate the six outputs of the player.

For those of you that have already splashed out on this new kit, we will be giving away five copies of the ‘Heathen’ SACD next week, so stay tuned. Meanwhile, here are the verdicts of BowieNetters Eric Schwejlih and Mayasky, accompanied by a couple of pictures taken by Tony Visconti. Eric and Mayasky got to hear this new mix back in August when they were Tony’s guests at Looking Glass studios in NYC.

Many thanx to both of you for sharing your story with us, and sorry it’s taken so long to get it out… But, I know you understand why.


Heathen 5.1 report from Eric Schwejlih

“Eric? Which one is play?” – “Don’t touch that one Maya!! Too late.”

I was one of two lucky B-netters to be invited by Tony Visconti to Looking Glass studios in NYC yesterday to preview the new mix of Heathen he’s been working on, in surround sound 5.1. Let me be the first to tell you – it is amazing. The sound is rich and full and coming from all directions. Surround 5.1 is a 6 channel system consisting of your normal stereo (l & r) speakers, a center channel speaker, a subwoofer and two rear speakers (l & r).

When I got there, I met up with Tony who introduced me to Hector Castillo and Christian Rutledge (the engineers who worked on Heathen) as well as his kids Sebastian and Lara. Tony explained that he was just working on ‘When the Boys Come Marching Home’ and told me I’d get to hear it later in the day. A few moments later, Mayasky arrived.

After a few minutes of explaining some technical aspects it was time to start. Two weeks ago, at the beginning of the 5.1 mix project, Hector had to be very meticulous in setting up the speakers. He set up a speaker stand right between where he and TV would be sitting and attatched a piece of string. He then used the string to measure and place all the speakers an equal distance from that spot. For that reason, Maya and I were asked to sit as close to directly in the middle as we could (so close together that our seats were touching). Then the preview began.

‘Sunday’ started, and what a great track that was to first experience 5.1. The songs that sounded best on the system were the more textural ones (‘Sunday’, ‘Slip Away’, ‘I Would Be Your Slave’ ‘5:15 and ‘Heathen’). Hearing ‘Sunday’ begin with the opening guitar notes coming from every direction was fantastic. By the time the whole band kicks in, the sound is an awesome force. We sat through the entire album listening intensely. A couple of tracks have truly beneffited by the remix by bringing out sounds and voices otherwise inaudible on the original stereo mix. My favorite tracks on the remix were ‘Heathen’, ‘Slip Away’ and ‘Cactus’ (the latter definitely not being one of my favorites on the original mix). When the album ended, we were treated to the 5.1 mix of ‘Wood Jackson’, which also sounded incredible. Hopefully this (and other b-side or unreleased Heathen songs) will make it onto the new version which they’re hoping to get out around the holidays this year.

After the listening, Hector and Tony discussed a few aspects of the 5.1 mixing experience and answered questions we had. They explained (among other things) that when mixing into 5.1, some engineers will not use the center speaker because 5.1 is in its infancy and there is no standard way of mixing. On the contrary, they put DB’s vocals directly into it. To demonstrate, they turned of all the other speakers and played ‘Wood Jackson’ through only the center. One thing I learned is that, when recording, DB likes to have his headphones loud. So loud in fact that the sound leaks through to the vocal mic. Obviously the headphone noise is drowned out when listening to the entire mix, but when stripped down it was unquestionable. Tony and Hector were very receptive to what Maya and I had to say and seemed genuinely happy that we came to the studio.

Tony explained that another friend of his would be dropping in shortly and invited us to stay longer, which we did. Since TV, Hector and Christian had work to get done, Maya and I stayed out of their way as they put the finishing touches on ‘When The Boys Come Marching Home’. It was wonderful to watch them at work – a part of the process that most Bowie fans never get to see or experience.

While they were working, Tony’s friend arrived and they talked a lot of technical stuff. It was truly fascinating to see how the technology works (running from ProTools into the mixing board and then back to the 5.1 software). The more difficult stuff to do on the mixing board is much easier to do on the computer and we got to see this in action. After they finished ‘When The Boys…’, we sat down to re-listen to about 1/2 of Heathen 5.1. This time I took the opportunity to move around a little bit and see what it sounded like facing different directions or which sounds were coming from the different speakers. Once ‘I Would Be Your Slave’ ended, TV and kids were leaving so Maya and I left as well.

I truly feel like one of the luckiest Bowie fans alive to be able to have experienced this. It’s not every day that one can sit in the actual studio where an album is mixed (or re-mixed) and hear it the way the producer meant it to sound.

I’d like to extend a huge ‘THANK YOU’ to TV, Hector and Christian for allowing us this opportunity.


Heathen 5.1 report from Mayasky

“Maya, wake up…TV is taking our picture, and we’re not ready for it.”

I walked into the studio to find TV’s adorable two kids engrossed in their Apple Macs. After Tony told us we were the first to hear the remix, aside from the actual people that worked on it, we embarked on our space oddity. I expected some massive panning work, you know, like in the movies. But no, Hector the engineer, told me that they intentionally stayed away from that. It’d be cheesy & not particularly realistic, he explained. There are the two speakers to the left & right; a center speaker for DB’s vocal exclusively; the two speakers in the back, mostly used for the effects on the instruments & some of the choir; some of the strings’ positioning; and, percussions. Hence the five speakers. But it’s 5.1 because of the additional subwoofer, which makes the low frequencies sound as crisp and clear as every other component in the recording! I usually have trouble actually hearing the specific notes played by the bass, so here I was in bass heaven.

TV & Tony Levine did such an awesome job. It deserved nothing short of the above treatment. Also, DB’s growling (Gemini Spaceship, for example) is right in your face. His whole vocal truly sounded as if he were singing right there to us. You see, as I’ve mentioned above, the center speaker is for the stripped down vocals alone. The effects come from the other speakers. VERY cool concept, to say the least. Imagine the surreal joy, after Tony isolated the center speaker for us to demonstrate the point. You can hear Sailor’s breath and these funny sounds one makes in between singing phrases. So ENDEARING! You can also hear the music tracks bleeding through his headphones. (He likes them REALLY loud while recording his vocals). And of course, one could again, be thoroughly reassured of Sailor’s complete command of his solid vocals! What can I say, the man can sing! And how!!!

Every instrument is SO crisp you could practically touch it. Yet it completely engulfs you. I really did feel like I was in a ‘Heathen’ spaceship, transported. I kept very still, my eyes closed, through the whole duration of listening, only to be completely caught off guard when I saw this bizarre snapshot of Eric & I, never realizing at the time Tony snapped it. He’s such a naughty, playful child, this amazing man! I really was in a deep audio meditation, if there is such a thing…

A funny moment ensued when I asked Hector, Tony’s right hand man, to explain the process in some more detail to me. Guess I wasn’t particularly clear when I stuttered, ‘So…um, what do you… think of when you engineered this?’ ‘I think it’s lovely’ he answered, lol! Good thing Tony came to my rescue, & told him that I meant ‘how do you approach it’. Again, as I’ve described before, every instrument & vocal benefits immensely from the mix. They just shine & glow through. The drums kill!!! I can’t wait to hear it again in a bigger room, like in a big club or such. Awwwrrrr!

Tony’s 11-year-old daughter, an unnervingly precocious girl, is a fan of Rufus Wainwright, who was recording in the other room. She got a lovely autograph from him ‘Keep loving me!’ He’s so sweet. I was pouring me some coffee, & out comes this cutie. I realized it was him, half way through my ‘hi’ to him, & he just extended his hand for a shake ‘Hi, I’m Rufus!’ Cool people are usually unpretentious & down to earth, I’ve observed. They know what they got.

Another funny anecdote, was when I was waiting for Tony to come & get me from the reception area. There are all these legendary albums on display that were recorded there. Earthling, & the symphonic instrumentals by Philip Glass, w/ TV & Eno, for “Heroes”, Low etc. And practically every album (if not all of them by Glass) when I expressed to Tony how impressed I was about it, he said ‘well it’s Philip Glass’ studio!’, doh!

I feel so very honored & am eternally grateful to Tony, for inviting us, taking the time (they?ve been mixing a song a day!) & being the exceptionally fantastic guy that he is! In fact, we were invited to hang around afterwards, while they were mixing ‘When The Boys Come Marching Home’, a bonus track on the ‘Slow burn’ single (& another 3 songs, I believe). It’s an amazing song, w/a haunting strings hook. For the life of me I can’t imagine why it wasn’t included on the album. I’ll be sure to get the ‘Slow burn’ EP, if only for that gorgeous song! Tony did all the string arrangements, in case you didn’t realize. The guy is a genius, & don’t we know it!

Don't Forget To Watch Tv Tomorrow & Spooky Gig News

TV on TV yesterday… original shot of Mr Visconti by Ebet Roberts.

Blank screen TV…

Right about now, Gail Ann Dorsey will be stepping onto the stage for her first set of the evening at The Bottom Line club in New York… If you’re in the area but you’d forgotten about the show, get along to the venue now as she’s back on for her second set around 10.30pm local time. Come back on Sunday for the results of the GAD caption competition I set last week.

While I’m on the subject of gig reminders, don’t forget Tony Visconti plays Joe’s Pub tomorrow night, here’s a bit from the man himself:

Hi Peeps, this is the second show in the series. It will be bigger and better, with pretty girls and handsome boys singing great songs that I’ve produced and arranged over the past 35 years. Cancel your Saturday night plans and come and see us. You’ll still get home in time for Mad TV (funny how those initials keep coming up).

The TV Show: Tony Visconti, bass and host, with Richard Barone, Everett Bradley, Daphne Rubin-Vega, Kristeen Young. David Matos on guitar, Dennis Diken on Drums and Johnny Handsome on Keys. Joe’s Pub Sat., Dec 7 9:30 pm, Tixs: Box Office & Telecharge, $20.

A retro-spective, current-spective & future-spective of music produced or written by Tony Visconti, performed by Visconti with a host of vocalists. A native New Yorker, Visconti moved to England in 1967 & became the most influential producer of the glam-rock era with credits ranging from albums with David Bowie, T. Rex, Thin Lizzy, The Move, Procul Harum, Badfinger, The Moody Blues, Sparks, The Boomtown Rats, Altered Images & U2.


A particularly angelic Mr SpookyGhost, aka Gerry Leonard,
during the Meltdown soundcheck. Pic by Total Blam Blam.

Just the ghost of a story…

Another New Yorker with Bowie connections playing locally soon is SpookyGhost, aka guitarist Gerry Leonard. Gerry plays two gigs at the Living Room, in New York City this month, here’s a message from the SpookyGhost website:

Greeting to all Spooky Warriors. We must fortify ourselves for the coming winter, stay up late and contemplate where the year has gone, amazed by all that has happened and not happened.

As I always say, a lot can happen in a short space of time, but some times it takes a long time for a little to happen, and you can’t have everything, sure wherewould you put it all …someone call 911…Anyhow that’s my plan, oh yeah and also to play two Tuesday nights from 10pm till late.

Here is the scoop…

SpookyGhost – Tuesday December 10th – 10pm till late – The Living Room, NYC. Shawn Pelton Drums, Mark Plati Bass. And, Tuesday December 17th – 10pm till late – also at The Living Room, NYC. With Doug Yowell Drums and Paul Bryan Bass.

I am excited to have these great musicians on both nights. I am almost embarrassed to say that I will have CDs at the gigs. Yes “The Light Machine” is done (the printer was being a space cadet) It could be time to cash in those tokens…

To all who live away from NYC I am planning to do an East coast / West coast run next year with the band, perhaps we’ll see more of you all then. All the best – Mr Ghostly.

Don’t forget to send our love if you go to either of the TV or Spooky gigs, and try and persuade the mean buggers to play over here in Europe sometime soon! };-)

Bowienet November News Archive Updated

Men wait for news while thousands are still asleep…

Susans has updated the BowieNet news archive for November. Click on the screen grab above to take you to this latest update, from where you can navigate back and forth through the months as the mood takes you… I never knew there was so much in it!

Thanx again Susans, this really is a very handy tool.

12/03/02 News: Ky Date Change & Waldeck Release Put Back

Kristeen Young giving it her all at CBGB’S recently.


The venue for Kristeen Young’s St. Louis gig that I posted last week has been changed. Instead of December 28th at The Common Space, the show has been rescheduled for two days later on Monday, December 30th at The Way Out Club, 2525 South Jefferson. The December 17th gig at CBGBs stays the same.


‘Waldeck Clones’ digi-painting by Total Blam Blam.

Waldeck’s version of David Bowie’s ‘Cat People’ (11/22/02 NEWS: BOWIEPHILES) that was due for release on Monday, 25th November, has been put back to January 20th 2003. The much-anticipated Waldeck album, ‘The Night Garden Reflowered’, from which ‘Cat People’ is taken, is now planned for March next year.

You can check out both of these artist’s official sites by clicking on their pictures.

Bowie Artwork Sells For Record Prices On Ebay

Then I got the small red box…

The recent high profile of David Bowie has done nothing to harm the collectabillity of his artworks…and it seems the smart money is being spent on eBay right now by those who have realised just what a good investment a Bowie artwork is.

You may remember a news item back in February about the stunning Minotaur box set of 14 prints, limited to just 14 sets, that David published back in 1994, (02/14/02 NEWS: ULTRA-RARE MINOTAUR BOX FOR SALE) well, another of these very rare sets has just sold on eBay for an astonishing $9,500.00!

Click on the box lid above to take you to the auction page where you can still view the set, even if you can no longer buy it.

The print above is another of David’s works that is doing particularly well on eBay right now. ‘Child In Berlin’ was selling anywhere between $400 and $600 about this time last year, but the copy on eBay is already at $1,175.00, with around fifteen hours left to run on the auction! This means this print has doubled in value in one year… That’s a pretty good investment in anyone’s language.

Again, you can click on the above image to take you directly to the eBay page.

World Aids Day – A Message From Jim

As I’m sure you’re all aware, today is World Aids Day. BowieNetter Jim (aka floidoip) has been infected with HIV/AIDS for the past 21 years, and here he has kindly agreed to write a short piece about his experiences of living with this most dreadful virus… but be warned, it’s heartbreaking stuff. Jim has also supplied a few of the more depressing facts about HIV/AIDS.

I am Jim/floidoip, a member of your community at BowieNet. I’d like to impart a little experience of my 21 years living with HIV/AIDS. I’ve been sick many years, near death several times and resuscitated twice.

Nearly everyone I’ve known and loved in my gay community, in Atlantic City, is dead or sick. Now the younger generation of ALL walks of life, approx. 25 years old, is the fastest growing group contracting this killer virus. Women are the leading group.

I don’t know if it is because people perceive AIDS as a gay disease still, not true, or there is a false sense of security because of medications available. I’m here to tell you the meds are equal to chemotherapy every day. You don’t want and don’t have to live this way.

My best friend Tim died Christmas Eve of 1995 only three months before David, the man I loved and planned to spend the rest of my life with, died in my arms. This is a small slice of what this pandemic has done.

The stigma of AIDS prevents many from getting tested. We MUST get beyond this. We’ve got to start talking about AIDS again. The media has dropped the ball. It can happen to you. I was exposed to HIV before it had a name. There was no way I could have prevented it. You have that opportunity.

I write this in honor of all of those who have died and for everyone living with HIV/AIDS. Please, honor your lives. Get informed. Here are just a few statistics from the Center for Disease Control.

Today, 40 million people are estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS. Of these, 37.1 million are adults. 18.5 million are women, and 3 million are children under 15.

During 2001, AIDS caused the deaths of an estimated 3 million people, including 1.1 million women and 580,000 children under 15.

Women are becoming increasingly affected by HIV. Approximately 50%, or 18.5 million, of the 37.1million adults living with HIV or AIDS worldwide are women.

The overwhelming majority of people with HIV – approximately 95% of the global total – now live in the developing world.

Thanx for that Jim, harrowing and worrying information as I’m sure you’ll all agree. As many visitors to the MBs will already know, there are a couple of shops set up in honour of Jim. $4 from every purchase made at these online shops will go to AmFAR for A.I.D.S. research. For more information about Jim’s fund contact jimsfund@hotmail.com. You can visit the stores from the shortcuts below.

Jim’s Fund shop # 1

Jim’s fund’s more racey shop