Wayne Coyne Chooses Bowie For Nme's Burn It

Wayne Coyne, singer of of The Flaming Lips, looking a bit off colour yesterday.

We can be Heroes, for ever and ever…

The foul-mouthed, but supremely talented Wayne Coyne of The Flaming Lips is the subject of this week’s ‘Burn It’ feature in NME. (Issue dated 18th January 2003) Wayne, (who is over here on tour with his band promoting the brilliant right now) has attempted to choose ten songs that somehow, albeit very tenuously, fit in with his compilation CD’s title of ‘Fucking and Fighting’.

The Bowie song he has chosen to fit in with his theme is “Heroes”. Wayne explains how this song so obviously meets his criteria:

“Even though I’ve listened to it a million times, I don’t know what he’s getting at. But it’s an uplift either way and at the end you feel satisfied, either with fighting the fight or fucking the fuck.”

I’m sure Wayne knows what he means, but it may be worth remembering that this is a man responsible for a car stereo concerto, and a portable radio concerto, where 20 to 30 members of the public were encouraged to “play their instruments” all together while Wayne conducted.

His band, The Flaming Lips, were also responsible for a four-CD set called Zaireeka. Nothing that unusual in that you may think, but when you consider that all four discs had to be played simultaneously to fully enjoy the recordings, you begin to understand where Wayne’s head is at… frankly, it seems like a very exciting place to be.

I’m off to see the band on Tuesday, and hopefully I’ll get to wear one of the animal costumes for the evening… oh, I’ll explain that another time. David hasn’t gotten back to me about working with you just yet Wayne (11/22/02 NEWS: BOWIEPHILES), but you’ll be the first to know when he does.