Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed

Lou Reed and David Bowie onstage together at MSG five years ago.
Just two of the artists due to perform at the Tibet show this Friday.

Friday On My Mind…

I recently probed DB about the kind of set he may be playing on Friday at the Tibet House Benefit Concert. All he would give away was this:

We’ll most likely do one new and one older song, that’s apart from the duet with Ray.

I can say that the song I heard rumoured by fans at the Darkness and Disgrace show at the weekend, is not one of the selections.

Speaking of giving things away, BowieNet has organised a little pre-Tibet show party. Here’s all the stuff:

Bowienetters and Tibet show ticket holders are invited to come and enjoy complimentary drinks among like-minded friends before Friday’s show. Bowie tunes will be the order of the day, not to mention much pre-show excitement fun. Here’s the when and where etc:

Friday, February 28th from 5-7 PM at Le Bar Bat
311 West 57th St (Just West of 8th Ave.)

When you arrive, just say you are with BOWIENET at the door to be taken to the specially reserved area. If you have tickets to pick up at Will Call, you may want to leave the party early to pick them up and avoid a box office ticket frenzy type malarkey.