A butch DB with Manley mic and Cambridge University rugby shirt.
Another great shot courtesy of the hugely talented Mr Kevin Mazur.
You shall own a Cambridge shirt…
The June/July edition of
Elsewhere in the piece, David hints further at the flavour of the record: “The irrational feelings that you get on a day-to-day basis living here since 9/11, have left a decided mark on this record.” He continues to suggest a certain urgency to the recording when he quotes an old friend: “John Lennon’s idea of rock & roll was ‘Say what you mean, make it rhyme and then put a backbeat to it,’ That’s precisely what this album is all about.”
When I asked David about the equipment he was using in the shot, he explained: The guitar is my
For those of you just as interested in David’s clothing as his equipment (Oooer), you may be pleased to learn that the rather sporty top he is wearing is in fact a Cambridge University Rugby Union Football Club shirt… which, if you fancy one for yourself, is purchasable
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