She will come to the show tonight, Praying to the light machine…
Tickets for tonight’s anniversary screening of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars: The Motion Picture, that we told you about a while back, (06/05/03 NEWS: ZIGGY LONDON SCREENING TICKETS ON SALE NOW) have now all sold out. But, if you want to take a chance, I am reliably informed that there will be returns available to callers at the box office tonight… you may want to call first though. (See aforementioned news piece for phone numbers, etc.)
Tonight’s fun has attracted the interest of today’s London press, with pieces in both METRO and the London Evening Standard’s Metro magazine supplement… from which this extract:
If you venture into Brixton’s nether regions tonight, don’t be surprised if you encounter a strange assortment of scary monsters and super creeps wandering its darkened alleys. Girls who are boys and boys who are girls will be congregating en masse, for what is one of the most exciting clubbing events in recent memory.
The piece goes on to talk about the film, and the after party at the newly-opened Rock N Roll Fag Bar, where among others, the world’s greatest Bowie fan DJ, Boy George, will be spinning discs, along with “Finnish drag queen DJ”, Mikko.
This promises to be a great evening, and if you can’t attend the screening, do try and make it along to the party later. Call 020 7737 2095 for more info on party tickets and 020 7733 2229 for the Brixton Ritzy Cinema box office.
If you don’t get lucky with tickets, the first two people, or couple, to accost me with the request: “Please give me a Ziggy ticket, lovely Blammo!”, just might strike lucky. See you in a couple of hours if you are going along. };-)