Bowienet Presale For Scottish Date Tomorrow

Well, how come you only want tomorrow…

The presale of BowieNet tickets for David’s newly-added date in Scotland will go on sale tomorrow (Monday) at 3:00pm EST or 8:00pm UK time… So, I suppose you want to know some details regarding the when and where of the show? Patience my friends, all good things, etc., etc.

Firstly, you may like to know that when I asked David recently (after some silence regarding this gig) whether there was still going to be a Scottish Bowie show, he replied thus:

“erm…a promise is a…ah…promise…innit?…it’ll be a bricht nicht the ken.”

And who can argue with that? Anyway, as he says, a promise is a promise… so here is the date that you folx on the other side of Hadrian’s Wall have been waiting for:


Let’s hope the Welsh don’t start screaming for a show, I flatly refuse to pay a £4.50 toll to get into Wales.* Anyway, keep watching that A Reality Tour Tickets Page for more details regarding this Glasgow gig, children.

*With apologies to Electric Blue, Clark Gwent and any other Welsh BowieNetters… I don’t want to become BowieNet’s answer to Anne Robinson.