Mos Def And Db Feature In Complex Magazine

A Complex fashion…

The new issue of American magazine Complex (August/September 03) has a Mos Def and David Bowie cover feature with a seven-page article and a new photo session. The piece is entitled ‘The Style Council’ and the blurb for it runs thus: Renaissance Men DB and Moss Def Chop It Up About Fame Fashion and the Pursuit Of Happiness.

David kindly gave us this exclusive quote regarding his encounter with Mos Def:

“I was knocked out by Mos. He is so on the ball and has a wide perspective of where he is and where he wants to go. Top man. His rap form is a jolt for anyone who thinks rap’s descended into mere ghetto fabulousness and violence. He’s working at expanding the form toward a new poetry.”

BowieNetters can view a larger version of the above cover by clicking on it. Complex magazine has an on-street sale date of July 29th.