Ky And Frank Black In London Tomorrow

Kristeen Young in the Underworld by Total Blam Blam.

We could prepare to ascend…

After her triumphant debut at Camden’s Underworld last month, (06/10/03 NEWS: GRANDADDY AND KRISTEEN YOUNG ROCK LONDON) Kristeen Young has been asked back by the venue to provide the support slot for the sold out Frank Black show.

She’ll be performing sans band again, but don’t let that give you the impression that her performance is anything less than dynamic and exciting in the extreme. If you can get a ticket, (which I’m afraid is highly unlikely unless you have more cash than you know what to do with) do get along to Camden tomorrow night at 7:30pm, to be sure to get a place down the front before KY’s onstage time of 8:00pm.

I’m pretty sure if you do get in, Kristeen will be more than happy to sign copies of her new album, Breasticles, for you. But if you can’t make it to the show, you can get the album, (which features the duet with David Bowie, Saviour.) online at fnac.

Obviously I don’t have to tell you how good ex-Pixie frontman Frank Black and his band The Catholics are. Frank (writer of Bowie live favourite, Cactus) will no doubt perform songs from his next album, Show Me Your Tears, along with selections from his very healthy back catalogue. Hope to see a few of you BowieNetters there.

At Last, The Official Gad Website!

Gail Ann “Black-arach” Dorsey. Photograph by Susan Alzner.

Another girl standing next to me…

Gail Ann Dorsey finally has an official presence on the information super-highway, with the advent of The site is still under construction right now, but among the sections you can access, such as an in-depth biography and gig news, there is a photo gallery with a whole bunch of beautiful pics of Gail by Susan Alzner, such as the one above.

Hopefully the “coming soon” music and multimedia section will include some snippets from Gail’s forthcoming album, which I’ve heard very good things about… and, while we’re on the subject of talented ladies with a Bowie connection…

Glasgow Presale Tickets Available Shortly

I’ve gotta pack my bagpipes, leave this home, start walking, yeah…

The Scottish Bowie show, (at The Glasgow SECC on November 28th) that we told you about yesterday goes on sale to BowieNetters in just under three hours time, at 8:00pm UK time in fact.

Tickets for the general public sale will be available from 9:00am on Friday July 11th, when those of you that don’t already have tickets via BowieNet can purchase your tickets online via ticketmaster (click on TM Scotland link) or via

Not much more I can say, except keep watching the A Reality Tour Tickets Page.

Glasgow And Milan Tickets Presale Now On

It’s happening now…

We have literally just now received members-only tickets to the October 23rd show at the FilaForum in Milan, Italy, which are now on sale along with the newly-added November 28th show at the SECC in Glasgow, Scotland. There are also still some members-only tickets left for the November 23rd show at The Point in Dublin, Ireland.

The Glasgow presale will end at 3:00pm UK time this Thursday, just ahead of the public sale on Friday. (See story below) Tickets for the 2nd Dublin show and the Milan show will stay on sale until our allotment runs out.

I think you have all understood by now the importance of the A Reality Tour Tickets Page.

Bowienet News Archive For June Is Live

Things that happened in the past…

Susans has posted the BowieNet news archive for June, and though it may seem that David Bowie’s A Reality Tour is the only thing we reported in last month, it clearly wasn’t.

Take a look at everything else that happened in June by clicking on the screen grab above, and read Susans’ summary of the month by checking out the 2003 BowieNet News Summary page.

Db On Cover Of Filter Magazine

We’re living in a golden age, a golden age, a golden age…

The July/August edition (Issue Six) of Filter magazine is proudly sports the above front cover… albeit a much better quality version.

As you can see, annotated by the headline ‘Bowie’s return to the Golden Years’, DB is pictured seated on a throne, wearing what looks like something akin to Elvis’s Gold Lame Nudie suit! There are more great shots inside, and we’ll hopefully bring you some of these, and some quotes from the interview over the coming days.

Meanwhile, Gregg LaGambina of the magazine has posted this teaser, which you can also find on the Filter site by clicking on the image above:

So, we had this throne that was lying around the Filter Magazine offices and we were arguing and yelling and getting all hot and bothered about who we thought would be most worthy to sit in it and then we heard tracks from the forthcoming David Bowie album.

We followed him all the way to his studio in New York City, listened to his forthcoming Reality, sponged up all of his charming and cryptic philosophy, and came away with the confident prediction of his triumphant return to form. Read, listen, find out in Number Six.

This is the first of a few magazine features on the way, which we’ll give you details of as we get them.

Bowienet Presale For Scottish Date Tomorrow

Well, how come you only want tomorrow…

The presale of BowieNet tickets for David’s newly-added date in Scotland will go on sale tomorrow (Monday) at 3:00pm EST or 8:00pm UK time… So, I suppose you want to know some details regarding the when and where of the show? Patience my friends, all good things, etc., etc.

Firstly, you may like to know that when I asked David recently (after some silence regarding this gig) whether there was still going to be a Scottish Bowie show, he replied thus:

“erm…a promise is a…ah…promise…innit?…it’ll be a bricht nicht the ken.”

And who can argue with that? Anyway, as he says, a promise is a promise… so here is the date that you folx on the other side of Hadrian’s Wall have been waiting for:


Let’s hope the Welsh don’t start screaming for a show, I flatly refuse to pay a £4.50 toll to get into Wales.* Anyway, keep watching that A Reality Tour Tickets Page for more details regarding this Glasgow gig, children.

*With apologies to Electric Blue, Clark Gwent and any other Welsh BowieNetters… I don’t want to become BowieNet’s answer to Anne Robinson.

Happy Birthday America

Some Limey or other obscures the Stars and Stripes.

I’m afraid of Americans…

Well, it’s the 4th of July and that means it’s Independence Day in the U S of A. Have a great day to all of those of you that celebrate such things, and happy 227th birthday to America… Go easy on the apple pie, folks! };-)

Boy George And Ziggy Screening In London Tonight

She will come to the show tonight, Praying to the light machine…

Tickets for tonight’s anniversary screening of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars: The Motion Picture, that we told you about a while back, (06/05/03 NEWS: ZIGGY LONDON SCREENING TICKETS ON SALE NOW) have now all sold out. But, if you want to take a chance, I am reliably informed that there will be returns available to callers at the box office tonight… you may want to call first though. (See aforementioned news piece for phone numbers, etc.)

Tonight’s fun has attracted the interest of today’s London press, with pieces in both METRO and the London Evening Standard’s Metro magazine supplement… from which this extract:

If you venture into Brixton’s nether regions tonight, don’t be surprised if you encounter a strange assortment of scary monsters and super creeps wandering its darkened alleys. Girls who are boys and boys who are girls will be congregating en masse, for what is one of the most exciting clubbing events in recent memory.

The piece goes on to talk about the film, and the after party at the newly-opened Rock N Roll Fag Bar, where among others, the world’s greatest Bowie fan DJ, Boy George, will be spinning discs, along with “Finnish drag queen DJ”, Mikko.

This promises to be a great evening, and if you can’t attend the screening, do try and make it along to the party later. Call 020 7737 2095 for more info on party tickets and 020 7733 2229 for the Brixton Ritzy Cinema box office.

If you don’t get lucky with tickets, the first two people, or couple, to accost me with the request: “Please give me a Ziggy ticket, lovely Blammo!”, just might strike lucky. See you in a couple of hours if you are going along. };-)

Read On If You Didn't Get A Dublin Ticket

Angels have gone… No ticket?

The second Dublin Bowie show (at The Point on Sunday November 23rd) that went on sale this morning through ticketmaster Ireland, sold out in record time again. Some reports suggesting they were all gone within three minutes!

All-round top geezer, and resident Dubliner, BowieNetter Chris Gaffney, informs me that the Bowie ticket sell out was the top story on the popular local radio stations this morning… and it apparently went along these lines:

“David Bowie fans jammed phone lines and crashed computers, as tickets sold out this morning in record time for Bowies second Point gig, beating the time set just one week ago… by Bowie fans. It seems Irish fans can’t get enough of The Thin White Duke who could probably sell out The Point for a whole month.”

It seems that the fact that we didn’t have a BowieNet allocation for this rollover show caught many of you out. But, I’m sure you’ve already guessed the good news. Yes, that’s right… we’ve found out in the last hour that we do now have an allocation for BowieNet members that will go on sale this evening, in just under an hour and a half at 7:00pm UK time.

So, if you still need a ticket for the second Dublin show, keep watching that A Reality Tour Tickets Page kidz, where you may also notice that Birmingham VIPS have now gone on sale too!

It’s turned out nice again. };-)