Forthcoming George Underwood Exhibition

The Stareway by George Underwood

Hang him on my wall…

One of the snippets of information David gave away during his chat with Jonathan Ross (08/03/03 NEWS: JONATHAN ROSS TRANSCRIPT AND MORE) on Saturday was about a new show by his old friend George Underwood, starting at the Portal Gallery in London on October 20th this year.

I’m sure you all know that George was a school mate of David’s. David told Jonathan a gem of an anecdote about George in those days and here it is:

DB: He’s a great painter. In class one day, our English mistress – this was when we were like 10 or something or maybe a bit older than that – she said she didn’t like him at all because he was always making jokes all the time and disrupting the class. She stood him up at one time, she said ‘Underwood, I want you to make a sentence using the phrase ‘herd of cows’. So he said ‘erm……… from Mars have never heard of cows’.

Check out George’s website, and do get along to the show at The Portal Gallery if you can.
