David Writes For New York Magazine

New York’s a go-go and everything tastes nice…

David Bowie has contributed a great piece to the current issue of New York Magazine, (September 29, 2003) the main thrust of which relates to his experiences of New York, funnily enough.

Even though a couple of the stories are already known to attentive Bowie fans, (First Velvets LP, Elvis at MSG etc.) it’s still a fascinating read that even makes mention of one Louis Hardin, better known as Moondog… possibly the inspiration for “And it was stalking time for the Moonboys” or Fall Dog Bombs The Moon?…but probably not!

Anyway, here’s a couple of lines from the piece, the whole of which you can read by clicking on the front cover above:

When I first came to New York, I was in my early twenties, discovering a city I had fantasized over since my teens. I saw it with multicolored glasses, to say the least. Also, I rarely got up before noon and hit the sack again around four or five in the morning. Two New Yorks, really.

These days, my buzz can be obtained by just walking, preferably early in the morning, as I am a seriously early riser. The signature of the city changes shape and is fleshed out as more and more people commit to the street. A magical transfer of power from the architectural to the human.

New York Magazine is on the shelves now, and it contains another great shot inside from the same Frank Ockenfels session that graces the cover.