Bowie Interview In Today's Daily Mirror

The Mirror will watch over you…

Today’s Daily Mirror here in the UK has a double-page spread and a fairly candid interview with David under the heading of: BOWIE – I’M HUNKY DORY and with a sub deck of: David Bowie tells ALUN PALMER how love finally chased his demons away.

Apart from the demon chasing, subjects covered include David’s touchingly romantic streak and his incredibly strong love for Iman. He also speaks of his fatherhood to both Lexi and Duncan, and darker times such as depression and the temptations of the past. Here’s a snippet regarding his mental state in the 80s:

The 80s were very strange for me. I lost all interest in what I was doing. I was doing exceptionally well commercially but I didn’t understand why I was enjoying none of it. I hated every minute of it and I lost every ounce of energy and enthusiasm for the deal. There were several times when I was really going to throw the towel in and give it up.

“Throw the towel in and give up…” I’m sure we’re all glad he snapped out of that one! Anyway, it’s a great read and you can check out the whole thing by clicking on the image above.