Footage Of Db In Paris And Halloween In Cologne

Why is DB outside Austin Powers’ dressing room? Click on his hat to find out.

Paris or maybe Hell…

I’m sure many of you who have been to any of the recent European dates are used to the sight of a particularly cool looking young dude called Anthony darting hither and thither with a camera glued to his head. Well, this budding director remains busy and has provided a couple more wonderful little films for your enjoyment.

Firstly we have some great footage backstage in Paris, with David chatting to designer Hedi Slimane and lots of other great stuff backstage with the band etc. Plus we have an absolutely hilarious remake of Hitchcock‘s The Birds, starring David and Gail. This latter film also answers the question of what the eerie little song Gail and Cat were singing on Halloween night in Cologne was.

“So we asked a simple black bird, who was happy as can be.” Crow + GAD + DB = FUN!

Click on either of the stills on this page to take you to the video page of the Virtual Ticket section, and be prepared for some very big fun. Thanx to Anthony for this priceless stuff, and stay tuned to BowieNet for much more.