Bowienetter Zelvis Recalls Her 30 Year Fandom

Halloween Jack holds Marla Kanevsky’s hand at Sigma Studios in 1974, while Luther
Vandross looks at the DAGMAR credit as it hovers menacingly above David’s head.

Just you and your idol…

We’ve mentioned the story of the legendary Sigma Kids on these pages on more than one occasion, the most recent being a front cover feature from the Philadelphia Weekly last year. (07/24/02 NEWS: BOWIE PRESS BLITZ CONTINUES)

That particular piece, written by BowieNetter, Steve Volk, concentrated on BowieNetters Patti Brett and Leslie Radowill, but more specifically it looked back over the life of Marla Kanevsky, aka BowieNetter, Zelvis.

Well, now BowieNetter (and super sleuth) Regina, and indeed Zelvis herself, have pointed me in the direction of another piece regarding this momentous event in an article printed in the Press of Atlantic City.

The piece again focuses on Zelvis, (that’s her with David in the wonderful Dagmar shot above) and another of the Sigma Kids, Lenore Monroe. Here’s a little snippet from the piece:

Kanevsky, who was known as Marla Feldstein at the time, couldn’t get tickets to the first leg of Bowie’s “Ziggy Stardust” tour in 1972, but she saw him on the tour’s second leg in 1973 at the Tower.

“I was in the 25th row. I rushed the stage and made eye contact with him,” she said. After that, she got front-row tickets for all Bowie’s 1974 Tower concerts. During one show, Bowie bent down and hugged her from the stage. She whispered her name into his ear. Another night, she came to his concert carrying a pillow with Bowie’s face on it and gave it to him while he was on stage.

“I have never sat on my face before,” Bowie said, before sitting on the pillow to sing “Rock ‘n Roll Suicide.”

There’s more priceless stuff like that in the Press of Atlantic City article online, which you can reach by going here.

You can also view more of Dagmar’s iconic shots of various rock stars by clicking on the image above. Dagmar will be creating a whole page dedicated to her Bowie shots in the very near future, and they really are among the very best of that period Bowie.

You probably know more of her pictures than you think you do, and I’m sure you all know that she was responsible for the sleeve of David Live too. You can also purchase prints from Dagmar by contacting her here.