More On-the-road Lunacy For Members Only

Is he coming or going? Click on the pilot’s head to find out the incredible truth.

Drive-In Saturday…

We’ve got some more on-the-road footage through from young Anthony, and very good it is too. First up we have a four minute short that takes a peek at some behind-the-scenes stuff at customs in Dublin… including footage of Stirling getting frisked! Kind of. But, more than this, we have an explanation of “Tattoo Mahogony Gaspipe”… Kind of.

“What’s this then?” – “Well Macy, it’s a secret actually…” – Go see the movies for more kidz.

As if that wasn’t enough, we have a second piece entitled: “Entertainer’s Secret”… If you spend time: Speaking, Singing, Lecturing, Selling, Teaching… Which includes some practical advice for talkative types and folx that generally punish the throat, including an endorsement of the product below, modelled by a local boy done good.

Click on either of the first two stills in this piece to take you to the video page of the Virtual Ticket section, that’s if you’re a BowieNet member of course. If you’re not a BowieNet member, at least you can learn a bit more about Entertainer’s Secret by clicking on the image above!

Thanx again to Anthony for this wonderful stuff, and stay tuned to BowieNet for more in the not too distant future.