New E-team Info And Contests

How can I help you?

I’m sure you’ll all want to join me in giving Stephanie a big warm welcome to the world of BowieNet. Stephanie has come on board (for want of a better term) to help out with the running of the BowieNet e-Team, among other things.

The e-Team is still active and Stephanie has asked me to remind you of that fact and to point out that there are ongoing competitions. Here’s the blurb regarding the latest of those and some other related e-Team stuff:

Many thanks to all the e_Teamers who worked hard this week completing all the e_Team tasks. We will be contacting the winners shortly. But don?t stop now…there is more to do! The next competition centers on spreading the word about the BowieNet Store, the e_Team and the Web site in general.

Over the past few months we have added a lot of great REALITY merchandise to the BowieNet Store and some cool content to BowieNet, and we want everyone to know. The REALITY Tour Book is now available in the BowieNet Store. Be sure to check out a cool preview of the Tour Book we created. The link to the Tour Book Preview is now in the ‘Send/Post A Link’ section. Start spreading the word and earning points!

Do not be alarmed if your point value is now zero To keep the playing field level, we have decided to reset everyone’s points after each competition.

Without further ado here is this current e_Team competition:

We need your help to promote BowieNet, and the BowieNet store. Complete the current competition tasks, promote BowieNet in the process and earn the points you deserve. The top 3 point earners as of March 24th at noon EST will be rewarded with a REALITY Film Theme T-shirt from the BowieNet Store!

Thanx for that Stephanie. You can reach the e-Team section by clicking on the logo above… and yes Saxonny, I guess this means the e-mail you received is legit!